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Church Blog

Love Your Enemies

Jesus said, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:18-19). How should we deal with those who hate and fight against us? Two passages from the Sermon on the Mount are worthy of our consideration. First, consider Matthew…

Drink Like the Dogs!

Throughout history, the Lord has chosen to accomplish His will in some very unorthodox ways. The occasion of Judges 7:1-8 is a prime example. As Jehovah prepared Gideon to wage war against the Midianites, He commanded a strange way of mustering his troops. Israel’s army of 32,000 was scaled to a mere 300 men. Twenty-two thousand left for fear (Judges 7:3) and the rest were removed because of how they drank. As they arrived at the water the Lord commanded,…

Greater than Gold

The 19th Psalm is one of the most memorable in the Psalter. The first 6 verses magnificently describe the general revelation of God in nature. It calls us to behold and stand in awe of the creative genius of Jehovah as we see His fingerprints all around us. But the God who created has also commanded, and this theme is taken up in the next portion of the Psalm (vss. 7-11). Note how God’s Word is described (vss. 7-9). The…

True Love

A young man walked into the preacher’s study. “I’ve found her!” he said. “I’m in love and I’ve found the girl I’m going to marry!” “That’s wonderful!” the preacher replied. “Tell me about her.” For the next several minutes the wise old minister sat, carefully listening, as the smitten youngster explained how wonderful and beautiful his love was, and how he couldn’t imagine a love more potent that what he felt for her in that moment. Then it was his…