Updated June 26, 2020
To the Southwest Congregation,
We hope that this email again finds you all doing well. We appreciate and covet your prayers, and continue to be grateful for all of the care and concern that we see so many the congregation showing for each other in this unusual time. We can all pray for patience, and for safety and a positive outcome for anyone who is struggling with COVID or any other health issue during this time.
As we have been watching the latest trends and seeing announcements from state and local officials regarding an uptick in local COVID-19 positive cases and hospitalizations, we have decided to put back in place the requirements regarding mask-wearing and other personal hygiene requirements for all services at the building. This will go into effect right away, starting this Sunday 6/28/20. As a reminder, those requirements are summarized again below, and will be listed on signs as you enter the building. Given the situation, we should all pay more careful attention to the rules regarding social distancing. Please enter only through the front foyer doors. We greatly appreciate your patience and look forward to seeing you and worshipping together this Sunday.
Note that we will continue to meet for all regularly scheduled services: Bible Class at 9:30AM Sunday, worship at 10:30AM and 6:00PM, and Wed. night Bible Class at 7:00PM.
Based on your personal health situation, we again remind you that there will be some members who should not attend, and we will continue to provide the online/recorded worship service for you to worship at home. These categories include:
- Anyone who feels sick, or has symptoms associated with COVID-19, has a fever, etc. should stay home and take advantage of the online streaming of the worship services
- High-risk categories should be considered to be those noted by medical studies from reputable sources, but are commonly reported as age (>65) plus one or more of the following factors: diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lung conditions, obesity, and anything that compromises the immune system such as treatments for cancer.
- We also want to remind you that anyone with questions is encouraged to contact one of the elders. We recognize that this is a difficult situation and are trying to provide as much information as possible to help members of the congregation make good decisions.
Building Preparation and Preparation Ahead of Time for Members:
- We will place signs at all entrances with special instructions that we will all be asked to follow
- There will be deacons and elders available at all entrances to hand out a card with these instructions, and to answer any questions
- Entrances to the building will be restricted to (1) the front foyer entrances, (2) the side entrances by the main bldg. bathrooms if needed for special access, and (3) Annex entrances.
- All will be asked to wear a mask (CDC recommends all above age 2)
- Everyone will be asked to wash their hands upon entry
- We will all be asked to practice physical distancing before and after worship services in the building and in the parking lots, and are encouraged to use alternate forms of greetings besides shaking hands, hugs, etc
- The Auditorium and Annex will have rows marked off to make sure that our seating follows Social Distancing Rules (6’ separation between families or household members)
- We will continue procedures for serving Communion as we have been doing since early May
Again, we greatly look forward to seeing you soon and welcome your questions and – most especially – your prayers.
In Christ,
The Southwest elders