Our Ministries
No matter what stage of life you are in, we have a place for you!
Christian Worker
Proclaiming the Word since 1915 Each month, we publish the third-oldest subscription periodical in our brotherhood, Christian Worker. This publication is filled with Bible teaching, exhortation, and encouragement to all who are interested in reaching Heaven when they die. Click here to read recent articles. Join our mailing list. 2025 March February January 2024 December November October September August July June May April March February January 2023 December November October September August July June May April March February January…
Youth Ministry
Southwest is blessed with many young people, and each one is precious! There’s something going all for youth of all ages. InLine is a children’s ministry designed to teach our kids the fundamentals of Christianity while also making the church a safe and enjoyable place. Our student ministry intends to reflect Christ, enjoy our common bond, assist the needy, call the lost home, and honor our Father in Heaven.
Bible classes from cradle roll through adult encourage all to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). In recent years, there have been special seminars on subjects like “Marriage & the Family,” “Islam” and “How We Got the Bible.”
Ladies’ Ministry
Where would churches be without faithful, vibrant Christian women who do so much for the Master? We have an excellent Ladies’ Ministry where women are involved in great works like writing notes of encouragement to the sick, bereaved and shut-in. They also prepare food for the sick and for families who’ve lost loved ones. Our ladies are involved in works ranging from visitation to remodeling and sprucing up areas around the church building to hosting an area Ladies’ Day. Upright…
Southwest School of Bible Studies
The Southwest School of Bible Studies is an educational institution whose purpose is to know Jesus, and to make Him known! Click to learn more.
World Video Bible School
DVDs and CDs of good biblical teaching are sent many places throughout the world through World Video Bible School, located in Maxwell, TX.
College/Young Adults
Our Connect Ministry is a College and Young Adult ministry serving to connect its members to Jesus and each other.