
February 27 – March 2

A place for you.

Join us this Sunday for Bible Classes for all ages at 9:30am and stay for worship at 10:30am. We meet Sunday night at 6pm and Wednesdays at 7pm. We’ve saved you a seat.

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Church Blog

There is Hope in Your Future

Jeremiah 31:17 shines like a bright light in a dark night. In a book overflowing with doom and destruction, we find this statement: “There is hope in your future, says that Lord, that your children shall come back to their own border.” Judah was going to Babylon and nothing could be done to stop it. Their sin had found them out (Num. 32:23)! And yet, there was hope. After 70 years (Jer. 29:10) Judah would return, the walls and the…

From the Director’s Desk (December 2024) – Trent Kennedy

The gospel is good news because the outlook of sinful man is bleak. Sin separates mankind from God and puts us in the “bad news” category. While in sin, we are lost. People must come face-to-face with the reality that they are lost, separated from God, and without hope. It is God’s mouthpiece, His servant, the preacher, who must communicate this reality and offer the hope found only in Jesus. It is possible to communicate someone’s lost state to them…

In My Obedience – Bryce Mayfield

Obedience is an appealing characteristic. Not only to our God and His Son (John 14:15), but also to mankind. Parents, consider the pleasant thought of asking your children to wash the dishes and, with a simple, “Yes sir” or “Yes ma’am,” they immediately obey without raising objection. Such a thought would likely make any parent smile. This could be because obedience is learned and takes discipline or because this character trait has, seemingly, become less common in our society. Whatever…

In My Stewardship of Time – John Baker

Nobody ever managed their time the way Jesus did. In just 33 years of life, He changed history forever. Think of all He accomplished. In the work that He did on earth, Jesus became a greater Provider than Jacob (John 4:12-14), a greater Lawgiver than Moses (John 9:28; Heb. 3:1-6), a greater Teacher than Solomon (Matt. 12:42; cf. 1 Kings 10:1-7), and a greater King than David (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16). No one ever lived a fuller, richer, or…