Posts by Christian Worker

Posts by Christian Worker

The Book of Jonah – Ross Hafner

Jonah is likely the best-known of all the minor prophets because of the amazing verse at the end of chapter one of his book. “Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights” (Jon. 1:17). Typically this book is looked at from an apologetics angle with questions like, “Was it a fish or a whale?” or “Could someone live in this sea creature for…

The Book of Obadiah – Anthony Scherffius

Esau was born to his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca (Gen. 25:19-34) around 1900-1800 B.C. Through Esau would come the great nation of Edom. In fact, the Edomites  would grow rapidly, developing kings and chiefs long before the Israelites (Gen. 36:31-39). As they gained power over hundreds of years, they would grow in wealth, power, military strength, and most of all, pride. Obadiah, who prophesied around (848-841 B.C.) during the reign of Jehoram, king of Israel, speaks about the…

The Book of Amos – Josh Walker

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12). This powerful phrase, delivered by the herdsman (Amos 1:1, 7:14, 15), is a stark warning to Israel. It signifies God’s fervent attentiveness to justice and His impending judgment. Amos, a herdsman who became a fearless prophet, delivered this message during the reigns of Uzziah and Jeroboam. His divine message, which took him from Tekoa to Bethel (Amos 7:10-17), put him at odds with Amaziah, the priest of Bethel. Yet, Amos remained steadfast, proclaiming…

The Book of Joel – Randy Robinson

The prophet Joel (Jehovah is God) is, in some ways, typical of other Old Testament prophets and yet is unique among the prophets as well. We know nothing of him personally other than he was the son of Pethuel (sincerity of God), of whom we likewise know nothing. The 73-verse prophecy of Joel is divided neatly in half. In Joel 1:1-2:17 (37 verses) it is the prophet who speaks and from Joel 2:18-3:21 (36 verses) it is Jehovah who does…

From the Director’s Desk (August 2024) – Trent Kennedy

As you know, we have been training servants for church work since 1978. It has been said that Southwest trains more than just preachers, and that is true. We have trained missionaries to Asia, Africa, South America, and Oceania. We have trained Bible Class teachers who labor week-in and week-out to teach in local congregations across Texas and other states. We have trained elders from San Angelo to San Antonio, from Texarkana to Burnet, and many places in between. We…

Ezekiel, Prophet Of The Captivity – Ronnie Scherffius

The Book of Ezekiel is one of the most magnificent books of the Old Testament. Yet, among the major prophets, it is generally the least considered. The time of Ezekiel spanned from the latter days of one of Judah’s greatest kings (Josiah) to exile with the captives in Babylon. The message of the prophet was two-fold, punishment for one’s own sin and the assurance of restoration because of God’s mercy and righteousness. The unique way in which Ezekiel presents God’s…

Lamentations – Carl McCann

In 154 verses Jeremiah pours out a heartfelt, tear-stained lament over the destruction of Jerusalem and the carrying away of God’s people into Babylonian captivity. For some 40 years Jeremiah had prophesied of the coming judgment of God through Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian kingdom (Jer. 1-29). Interestingly, Jeremiah refers to Babylon some 150 times in Jeremiah 20-52; but it is not mentioned in Lamentations. Jeremiah emphasizes God as the one who dealt with the sins of Judah (Lam. 2:17). In…

A Brief Dossier on Jeremiah – Andy Baker

As a matter of help for the average Bible student, let’s make a dossier as we examine a few things regarding Jeremiah the prophet to help us to know some elementary things about him, his relationship with God, and with God’s rebellious people. Who: Jeremiah, aka “The Weeping Prophet.” His father was Hilkiah was the priest (who found the Book of the Law in the temple in Josiah’s reign. 2 Kings 22). He was from the priest city of Anathoth…

The Life and Work of Isaiah – Adam Orr

The Holy Spirit inspired the beloved physician, Luke, to record the conversion of a man from Ethiopia. He was a treasurer returning home from Jerusalem on the road that led to Gaza. Philip ran to the chariot and found the man reading. When asked if he understood what he was reading, the man said, “How can I unless someone explains it?” And beginning at the Scripture, Philip taught him about Jesus and salvation found only in His name. What was…

Setting the Stage – Cody Westbrook

As far as we know the designation “major prophets” is attributed to the time of Augustin who referred to the “the twelve prophets who are called minor from the brevity of their writings” and “those who are called greater prophets because they published larger volumes.” The ancient Jews divided their bible into three major sections: Law, Prophets, and Writings. The Prophets were divided into the Former and Latter Prophets. The Septuagint rearranged the order and gave rise to the current…

From the Director’s Desk (July 2024) – Trent Kennedy

And they’re off! The Bible program trains men and women to work in the Kingdom; we equip them to be effective preachers, teachers, missionaries, and servants. The course takes nearly two full years, but SWSBS graduates have a solid foundation after they finish. SWSBS has been training Christians “to know Jesus and make Him known” since 1978. This year marked our 46th commencement exercise. Among the nine graduates, three of our ladies will marry SWSBS alumni and help with their…

Elisha, the Son of Shaphat – Kevin Cauley

God told Elijah to anoint Elisha “as prophet in your place” (1 Kings 19:16). He was a prophet of war who would “sweep up” after Jehu by killing those who opposed God (1 Kings 19:17; 2 Kings 13:3; 2 Kings 9:22). When Elijah called Elisha, he slaughtered his own oxen, burned the yokes to cook the meat, and fed the people (1 Kings 19:21). He would not return to the farm. Elisha’s persistence resulted in his being given a double…