Posts from August 2021

Posts from August 2021

Just Divorced!

There it was, impossible to miss. Parked on the side of Washington Street in Ardmore, Oklahoma sat a little white car with big pink streamers tied to the back of it, and white shoe polish writing on the windows. As I drove closer, I expected to read “Just Married!” or an announcement of some other happy occasion. I was shocked when I read the words “Just Divorced!” written in giant white letters on the back windshield. How tragic that society…

7 Things My Eyes Teach Me About God

The human eye is a marvel, to say the least! It is the second most complex organ after the brain. Each eye weighs about an ounce and spans an inch across and is composed of approximately 2 million working parts. A fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics but an iris has 256! The muscles that control our eyes are the strongest in our body. Our eyes require no rest, they heal quickly, and they play such an important role in our…

And When You Pray…

It must have been incredible to have heard Jesus pray. One can only imagine the passion and conviction that poured forth from Him as He approached the Father’s throne. Obviously, His prayers were moving and motivating to those who heard them because one of His disciples was prompted to request, “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1). Jesus responded to the request by issuing the model prayer (Luke 11:2-4). As we consider that prayer, and other passages on prayer throughout…