Posts from July 2024

Posts from July 2024

What Shall I Do With Jesus?

A judge’s responsibility is heavy, indeed. The ability to administer justice with a word and affect countless lives in mere moments necessitates careful consideration and impartial decisiveness. A failure to do so could prove disastrous. Could a better example be found than that of Pilate in Matthew 27:15-25? As the Roman Procurator heard the case against the Christ, he asked “What shall I do with Jesus?” It is a question we all must ask. It implies a decision to be…

To the Work!

As the Southwesterner is being published preceding the graduation of SWSBS class of 2024, the congregation is busy getting ready for the banquet and for graduation Sunday. Of course, we are reflecting on the relationships that have been made and rejoice in the spiritual growth of the student body. Having been immersed in the scriptures and introduced to the work of evangelists, there have been valuable lessons learned in time management. Who knew that even sleep would be a matter…

Abstain from Fleshly Lusts

Peter said, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul” (1 Pet. 2:11). The “fleshly lusts” which Peter spoke of are sinful passions and desires that direct our attention away from obeying the Lord’s will. Peter said that these lusts are continually waging war against us and, therefore, we must fight back. But how? 1. Be spiritually minded. Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to…