From the Director’s Desk (May 2024) – Trent Kennedy

From the Director’s Desk (May 2024) – Trent Kennedy

What are your high school students doing June 23-28? I know that the summer is a busy time with many great opportunities to learn, serve, and grow. There will be baseball camps and math camps and fine arts camps and more. But, there are also many opportunities for spiritual growth this summer. Did you know that the Southwest School of Bible Studies offers a Servants’ Academy the last week of June? This week is part camp, part future preachers training, part in-depth Bible study, and more.

During this week, high school students who have finished 9-12 grades will get an opportunity to experience SWSBS. Each morning we will begin our day with a chapel. Then we will have classes from 9 am to 4 pm. In the evenings there will be food, games, devotionals, and more.

Our theme this year is “The Kingdom Parables.” Classes will look at the Bible, verse-by-verse, just like we do at SWSBS. This study will be supplemented by classes about the historical setting of Jesus’ Kingdom parables. Students will receive instruction in lesson preparation and presentation and personal evangelism. The young men will have the opportunity to present lessons at the daily chapel or to the Southwest congregation on Wednesday night.

The instructors will be SWSBS graduates and instructors. Students will stay in the homes of members from the Southwest church of Christ. On Friday night there will be a catered banquet for attendees and their families. This is a great opportunity to experience SWSBS, grow in your knowledge, share in our hospitality, and build relationships that will last through eternity. There is no cost to attend, but each student is asked to bring some money for incidentals.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or applying to Servants’ Academy, please go to our website