The Value of a Human Life

The Value of a Human Life

That life is precious seems like a fairly obvious truth, and for many it is. Childbirth, the death of a loved one, frightening medical diagnosis’, and other things provoke reflection on the fragile and wonderful nature of human life, regularly. But for too many, the precious nature of life is of little or no concern. Typically, figures like serial killers and malevolent genocidal rulers come to mind when considering those who think little of life, and for good reason. Illustrations of their wickedness are plentiful. But we deceive ourselves if we think that only the hardest of criminals have a low view of life. We are treated daily to a barrage of people proving, that to them, life is cheap. Many of whom dominate the headlines and airwaves daily.

What must be recognized is that humanity does not possess the right to define the value of life (cf. Rom. 9:21). History reveals clearly, that when he does, he tends to determine life’s value subjectively. Consider the examples of Manasseh (2 Kings 24:1-4) and genocidal dictators throughout world history. Even today the hypocrisy of man in proclaiming life’s value is clearly seen. Many in this country speak about “human rights” ad nauseam–in fact they center their message around it, to try and convince us that no one understands how precious life is like they do. And yet they actively promote the heathen butchering of unborn babies under the guise of “women’s rights.” What disgusting hypocrisy.

God created life and only He possesses the sovereign right to define its value. God created man “in His own image” (Gen. 1:27). “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). He declared one life worth more than the sum total of the entire world (Matt. 16:26). Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that every life matters. Young and old, black and white, male and female, born and unborn, friend or enemy– every life is fashioned in the image of God and is of greater value than we can fully comprehend.

Every soul is fashioned in the image of God and is of great value. This is a non-negotiable and fundamental truth which everyone must recognize, and Christians must proclaim.