Are you familiar with ear worms? If you have ever found yourself singing or humming a song throughout the day-sometimes even unintentionallythen the answer is “yes.” “Ear worm” is the colloquial term for a catchy tune stuck on repeat in your head. The song you hear on the radio that sounds great and just sticks with you.
Not all ear worms should be secular songs. The Psalmist wrote, “Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage” (Ps. 119:54). He loved God’s Word so much that he spoke about it (Ps. 119:46), found delight in it (Ps. 119:47), meditated upon it (Ps. 119:48), and even sang about it (Ps. 119:54). Like a catchy tune, the words of Scripture made such an imprint on his heart that he found himself thinking and singing them over and over again.
What’s your ear worm? You likely have a song or a thought that continues to replay throughout the day. Is it a popular song? A quote or a recent news story? Why not Scripture? When we dedicate ourselves to regular reading (1 Tim. 4:13) and meditation (Ps. 1:2) of God’s Word our heart’s are filled with It’s precepts. As we digest spiritual gems, we find ourselves turning them over in our minds and, perhaps, reciting them throughout the day. God’s Word becomes an ear worm.