Southwest School of Bible Studies Graduation 2020

Southwest School of Bible Studies Graduation 2020

Sunday marked the end of another year of schooling at Southwest. The pandemic the world finds itself wrestling with did not pass us by. Though none of the students contracted the virus—that we know of—it still left its mark on our schedule. For several weeks, classes were conducted via the internet. We did not skip a beat thanks to the technology skills of brother Logan Summers.

The annual year-end banquet held in honor of our supporters and graduates was canceled for obvious reasons, and earlier, Servants’ Academy. July 12, we conducted our annual graduation ceremony. COVID did not distract or detract from the value of that evening. Brother Joey Davis taught our Bible class and preached both sermons, and six students graduated: Olivia Akins, Victor Cross, Alex Moser, Jasmine Norman, Parker Webster and Michael Wesolowski. Victor and Parker are moving to their respective works. Michael has one more quarter to complete. Jasmine and Olivia are continuing their formal education in San Marcos and San Angelo. Alex will remain in Austin while her husband, Jesse completes his second year.

Moving into the second year are: Aaron Anderson, Jesse Moser, Justin Parks, and Abraham Rios. 

Our first year students are: Hailey Elam, Patrick and Josha Gooch, Tara Griffith, Elijah McNiel, Caleb Nash, Anthony Sherffius, and Hannah Surles. We have five additional students who are coming to us from outside the United States, which means, we must wait for the borders to open. From Monterey in Mexico, are Adan and Karen Hernandez. From Africa, we have John Dak Manie Mabor, Bidong Tut Banang, and Isaac Golegeor and his wife. They have all been approved and the necessary documentation has been sent. 

There is much to be thankful for in spite of the challenges the pandemic has put before us. Please continue to pray for these students, the faculty, and our elders. We look forward to another good year. – Steven Lloyd
