People are masters at taking something simple and making it complicated. With the passing of S.B. 8, abortion is front-page news again, people are doing what they do best, complicating the issue. Statements about constitutional rights and vigilante justice, due to the way the law was written, are simply noise to distract the populace from seeing the picture clearly. Regardless of what may be said or what law may be written, the truth remains–abortion is murder.
Scripture unequivocally condemns the taking of innocent life. Genesis 9:6 says, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.” Hands that shed innocent blood are an abomination (Pro. 6:17), and that includes the blood of unborn babies. Such is illustrated by the Law of Moses which legislated that if men unintentionally hurt a pregnant woman, and harm came to the unborn baby, then the death penalty was to be imposed (Ex. 21:22-23).
The typical pro-abortion argument is to say that the baby is not technically considered a life. The inane stupidity and self-defeating nature of this argument reaches a scale far beyond the space limitations of this article, but consider for a moment that Webster’s Dictionary defines life as “the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body.” At what point does a baby in the womb begin to function? The answer is conception. At the moment of conception, a baby begins the development process. That, by definition, is life.
As Christians we cannot allow politicians, the media, or anyone else to trick us into seeing abortion in some deluded way. Abortion is not a political issue, nor is it a cultural issue, it is a moral issue. No law, emotional appeal, or creative rhetorical framework will ever change that fact. Whenever society seek to justify the murder of innocent life, we should remember the standard of Isaiah 8:20, “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” We must see abortion for what it is.