Arise and Meet Ahab!

Arise and Meet Ahab!

The names Ahab and Jezebel are synonymous with wickedness. Of all the accounts of their iniquity, perhaps the most disturbing is found in 1 Kings 21. A man named Naboth owned a vineyard next to the palace which Ahab decided he had to have. When Naboth rejected Ahab’s overtures, Jezebel set a plan in motion which ultimately resulted in the murder of Naboth and Ahab’s possession of his vineyard. Though they certainly thought they had gotten away with murder, such was not the case. Jehovah mobilized Elijah the Tishbite and commanded him to “Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel…” (1 Kings 21:18). The prophet’s task was to make sure Ahab and Jezebel knew that their actions had not escaped the sight of Almighty God, and neither would they escape His judgment.

Elijah’s call to “Arise and meet Ahab” is noteworthy. Answering such a call requires courage. Ahab was the king and as such had the power to punish Elijah, and even take his life. Yet the prophet stood firm. It also requires commitment to the service of God. Presumably, Elijah did not know Naboth and he could have easily been indifferent to the whole thing. But Elijah was God’s man and was committed to serving Him no matter how big the task. Finally, the call required confidence in God to protect His servant and to fulfill His word. Elijah could stand boldly before a wicked king because he knew he served an infinitely powerful and faithful King.

As we consider the need for us to arise and meet the challenges of the day, surely, we can learn from Elijah’s example. We stand before the forces of evil in this world just as he did and we require courage, commitment, and confidence, as well. The Lord is our helper and there is no need to fear (Heb. 13:6). Let us stare down the enemy and fight the good fight with faith and conviction.