Stewardship of Our Children
Children are a gift, a joy, a blessing, a challenge, and a responsibility all rolled into one. In a word, they are a stewardship. What makes them unique as a stewardship is that they have their own minds, their own personalities, and their own opinions. Money will not generally talk back to you. Time will not question your decisions. The talents you have will not point out consistency issues in your words and your habits. One man observed that children…
Stewardship is one of the more challenging principles of New Testament Christianity, not because it is difficult to understand but because of the all-encompassing nature of its application to daily living. Everything we have is entrusted to our care and must be utilized responsibly. Our time, our abilities, our opportunities, our money, our children, and our lives are all gifts given graciously by God to be used for His glory. Such a reality should humble us and compel us to…
A Steward of Our Time
From the depths of a Roman prison, Paul wrote to Timothy, his beloved friend and brother in Christ: “Do your best to come before winter” (2 Tim. 4:21). Paul knew that in the winter, the Mediterranean sea trade all but ceased. Ships would anchor in a safe harbor so as to avoid the violent storms that plagued the Mediterranean during the winter months. If Timothy were to make the voyage from Ephesus to Rome, it would have to be before…