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A Healthy Church Opposes Sin

Each February the medical community celebrates national heart health month. It is a time to raise awareness for heart disease and to encourage individuals to exercise, eat well, and do everything they can to promote good cardiac health. Regular health screenings are always a good idea for those who want a healthy heart and body. Spiritually, the same principle applies. Individual and congregational spiritual health should be our priority and it is good, from time to time, to allow God’s…

Our Father Knows Best

To what extent are we willing to trust God? Are we willing to trust His plan for evangelism? As God’s people, we need to be assured of God’s wisdom for church growth because our Father knows best. Our Father knows the best mission, the salvation of souls. No doubt, it is that the highest calling because the soul is our most precious possession. This why Jesus once asked, “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole…

Arise and Overcome!

Satan’s attacks are relentless–present in every area of our society. Therefore, Christians must constantly engage in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of humanity, and the salvation of souls. We must arise and meet the challenges of the day with faith and conviction, knowing that victory belongs to our God. For this reason, the Southwest Eldership decided to create an annual event that would help promote spiritual growth for every member of the body of Christ. The Arise!…

What the Church Needs Today!

As Christians, we understand that the world needs God’s love, and if they are to truly receive God’s love, they must obey His word (Acts 2:38-41; 8:12-14). This being true, what the world needs now is for us to fulfill our sacred responsibility of convincing them of the need to obey God (2 Cor. 5:11), which means we must be willing and ready to share the gospel of Christ. Yet, for that to happen, what does the church need today?…

A Healthy Church is Opportunistic

As we look to our own congregational health, we would do well to consider what Jesus said to the 7 churches in Asia Minor. Those ancient congregations mirror our own in many ways. Their struggles we’re similar, their strengths and weaknesses were similar, their needs were similar, and their work was similar. One positive characteristic discussed is the ability to see and take advantages of opportunities when they are presented. To the church in Philadelphia Jesus said, “See, I have…

Work Out Your Own Salvation

To the church in Philippi, Paul wrote, “… work out your own salvation…” (Phil. 2:12). Furthermore, Paul wrote that we are to be ready for every good work and be careful to maintain them (Tit 2:3:1-8). Why the need to be careful? Because though we were not saved by good works, we can lose our salvation if we do not produce them! So, how should we practice working out our own salvation? First, develop Christ-like character. We do this by…

A Healthy Church is Hardworking

Annual health screenings are vital to maintaining good health. Regular oil changes are necessary to keep a vehicle in good running order. Cleaning and maintenance play a large role in the longevity of a home. So many things in life cannot function properly without periodic evaluation to ensure proper operation. The same is true with individual and congregational spiritual health. Like a doctor runs tests to examine data indicating an individual’s level of health, so God’s Word furnishes us with…

A New Command

Just before His crucifixion, Jesus identified a key mark of discipleship. He gave what He called, “a new commandment” (John 13:34). It is a command to “love one another”, and He expressed, “by this all will know” who are His disciples (John 13:34-35). However, do we know what kind of love that is and do we demonstrate it? Even though the Old Testament Scriptures required a love for one’s neighbor as self- (Lev. 19:13,18), this new command is a call…

Thinking in Evangelism

In telling me about his conversion, our brother, Alan Putnam, told me some words that were spoken to him before committing His life to Christ. He was told, “Christianity is a THINKING religion.” Ever since I heard these words, I have been greatly impacted by them. I remember them almost daily, and here is why. As Christians, we are to THINK about what the Word is saying. We have to THINK about whether or not our actions are consistent with…

The Voice of Wisdom

Statistics fascinate me, particularly statistics regarding how we spend our time. A clear accounting of how we pass the minutes of every day can be terribly humbling. Often, we do not realize just how much time we waste. For example, a 2016 study determined that Americans spend over 1 year of their lives searching for something to watch on TV. Who could have imagined? Another point about our time is that it gives insight into who or what we choose…

Good vs. Best

How easy it is to be distracted by the business of life! We go to work, take the kids to practice, clean the house, mow the lawn, and a dozen other items on our to-do list, almost daily. Our schedules are filled from top to bottom with so many tasks and chores it often becomes overwhelming. In truth, these things are not wrong in and of themselves. God expects us to work hard to provide a living; proper home maintenance…

Developing the Mind of Christ

“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). How Paul describes his identity in this passage is to be true of all Christians. Christ is “our life” just as he was Paul’s (Col. 3:4). Such a life involves taking on the mind of Christ–learning to think like Him. That is why Paul commands in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” How can we develop His mind?…