From the Director’s Desk (June 2024) – Trent Kennedy

From the Director’s Desk (June 2024) – Trent Kennedy

For decades the Southwest congregation has hosted a session of summer camp at Camp Hensel. SWSBS has a unique opportunity to be involved in this camp which gives our students valuable experience, exposure, and opportunities. Students are often placed in the role of camp counselor allowing them to guide, encourage, and interact with campers of various ages. These types of scenarios help our students know how to communicate with youth from various backgrounds, knowledge levels, and maturity. They give cabin devotionals, organize cleaning, participate in activities, and mentor campers.

Other students are placed in roles such as operations providing them the opportunity to get up before the sun, work hard, and serve the camp “behind the scenes.” These roles allow students to see that not only are those who are out front working and serving, but usually, the most important pieces to any project are those who are unseen. This lesson will carry them far as they begin to see the people in the local congregation who do not stand in the pulpit but do ensure the success of the work that the preacher champions.

Some second-year students teach in the Bible classes and preach the evening lessons. Here, students are challenged to teach the truth in an age-appropriate environment. Holding the attention of eight-year-olds for two hours is difficult, but the ability to do so is a skill that can be learned and practiced.

While working at Camp Hensel, the student body is afforded the opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty members of SWSBS, elders of the local congregation, elders from other congregations (including some of our supporters!), area preachers, and members from all over Texas and Oklahoma. What a wonderful opportunity to build a network of faithful Christians and cement relationships that should last throughout eternity.

Southwest graduates should be known as sound preachers and teachers, ready evangelists, and hard workers. While these things are emphasized in the classroom, they are put into practice when we go out into the “field” of door-knocking campaigns or preaching opportunities or through a hard week like camp. These events are not a vacation; they are vocational.

For us, Camp Hensel is an invaluable part of the SWSBS curriculum!