From the Director’s Desk (April 2024) – Trent Kennedy

From the Director’s Desk (April 2024) – Trent Kennedy

The power of God is on full display in the work of the Prophets. Isaiah’s prophecy of Cyrus (Isa. 44:24-45:7) demonstrates the foreknowledge of God and shows His power to perform His will in the governments of men. However, King Cyrus and his government pale in comparison to another King that Isaiah predicts. Isaiah describes a King (Isa. 9:7) Who would sit on David’s throne and rule a spiritual kingdom. This King could be called “God” and described as “eternal” (Isa. 9:6). However, this King would take on the form of a man (Isa. 9:6). To make certain that the Israelites did not miss this coming King, Isaiah would prophesy specifically about Him saying,

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isa. 7:14).

There are four words in this verse that call for our consideration:

  1. You” is plural and does not speak concerning King Ahaz but of all Judah and, by extension, the world. Note that in Matthew 1:21 Jesus would save “his people” from their sins.
  2. Virgin” is a generic term that identifies a younger woman. However, the default meaning of this word is an “unmarried” woman whose virginity is then assumed (cf. Gen. 24:43). This case is sealed with the New Testament term “virgin” in Matthew 1:23.
  3. Son” connects Isaiah 7:14 directly to Isaiah 9:6-7 and leaves no doubt that the “son” here is God, is eternal, and would be King on David’s throne.
  4. Immanuel” is interpreted in the text for the reader to demonstrate that the one born of a virgin would be God dwelling among His people. Matthew 1:23 shows that Isaiah’s prophecy stands fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God.

Kings like Ahaz and Cyrus come and go. Meanwhile, the reign of the Messiah, King Jesus, has no end. This message (Isa. 52:7) is the glad tidings of good things because Zion would shout and all the messengers of God could echo: “Your God reigns!”