Change is the only constant in life. Presidents come and go and culture shifts in different directions. Accidents happen, illness comes unexpectedly, children are born, and parents pass away. Elderships change, members move away–preachers too–deaths and births occur, and congregational dynamics shift. As we often sing, “Time is filled with swift transition.” So, how do we navigate those transition? By holding fast to that which does not change.
The first chapter of Joshua chronicles a time of change for the children of Israel. Moses, their great leader for more than 40 years, had died. Surely that would have produced feelings of angst and uncertainty for Israel, and even for their new leader, Joshua. Thus, Joshua 1:1-18 supply four unchanging pillars to encourage Joshua, and Israel, in a time of transition.
Remember the Faithfulness of God’s Promises (Josh. 1:1-4). Moses may have died but God’s promises to bring Israel into Canaan, fight for them, give them the land, and bring the Messiah into the world through them, had not changed. No matter the time or change, God’s promises stand firm.
Find Strength in God’s Presence (Josh. 1:5-6; 9; 17). “I will be with you” is the common refrain in each of these passages. Israel would not fight the battles alone, and neither will we (Heb. 13:5-6).
Emphasize God’s Word (Josh. 1:7-8). God is faithful and always with His people but there is a condition – meditation and application of His Will. God’s Word and its requirements of us stay the same. No matter the change, allegiance to His Word will carry us through.
Depend on God’s People (Josh. 1:12-18). Though Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh would say on other side of the Jordan, they would first join their brethren in the fight to conquest Canaan. Whatever change may come, we can always find strength in the fellowship of God’s people!
Change will come. Transition is a fact of life and it will happen many times over. But God does not change (Mal. 3:6), and so, like Israel, we must look to Him to carry us through.