The gospel is good news because the outlook of sinful man is bleak. Sin separates mankind from God and puts us in the “bad news” category. While in sin, we are lost. People must come face-to-face with the reality that they are lost, separated from God, and without hope. It is God’s mouthpiece, His servant, the preacher, who must communicate this reality and offer the hope found only in Jesus.
It is possible to communicate someone’s lost state to them in a way that is too harsh, unkind, unloving, slanderous, unfair, mean, abusive, and so on. This can be done with tone, demeanor, or other nonverbal communication. But, is it possible to describe sin too harshly?
- Sin is an affront to the moral perfection of God (Hab. 1:13), Sin is to be abhorred (Rom. 12:9).
- Sin is dark (1 John 2:11), Sin separates between man and God (Rom. 3:23).
- Sin is worthy of death (Heb. 3:17), Sin gives birth to death (Jas. 1:15).
- Sin is of the Devil and makes people children of the Devil (1 John 3:8-10), Sin controls the heart of man making him a slave (Rom. 6:11-14).
- Sin battles against those trying to do right (cf. Heb. 12:4), Sin is betrayal (cf. Matt. 27:4).
- Sin creates shame (cf. Luke 15:18), Sin is wicked (2 Pet. 2:4-8).
Sin ruins lives and homes and countries and congregations. It is ugly and awful. It is dark and demonic and disgusting. It is hideous and horrendous. It is gross and ungodly. Sin cost Jesus His earthly life (2 Cor. 5:21). There are no words that can over-communicate the heinous nature of sin.
When we talk about sin from the pulpit or the lectern or the couch, we must recognize and label sin for what it Biblically is. The gospel is good news because sin is so dark, ugly, abhorrent, and whatever other words you might choose to describe it. When we recognize and label sin as the ugly plague it is, we can help others see the beauty of Jesus and the gospel.