Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 17)

Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 17)

Bible and praying hands

How to be a Better Bible Student: Part 1

“How do I study the bible?” If a preacher were to make a list of the 10 most asked questions, certainly that one would be near the top. The bible tells us to study (2 Tim. 2:15) and meditate (Ps. 1) on God’s word on a regular basis. David said “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Ps. 119:11). Bible study is the lifeblood to faithfulness; therefore, it is important for us…
Top view of religious male crossed hands in prayer

He who Knew His Place

Pride is a notorious problem that causes great destruction. Consider James 3:13-4:10, which relates the devastation, caused by one with a prideful, self-seeking attitude. Knowing the destructive power pride possesses ought to motivate Christians to do what is necessary to eliminate it. Knowing our place in the grand scheme of things is a step in the right direction. Perhaps the best example of one knowing his place is John the Baptizer. John was the older cousin of Jesus and played…
Male architect in office

Go, Stand, and Speak (Acts 5:20): Part 2

Their method was vital—Stand! To “stand” is literally, “to stand firm.” The word is used to describe one who stands up to make a formal declaration. It is essentially a command to be bold. Peter and John had been arrested, threatened, and imprisoned. That would be enough to dampen the spirits of even the most fearless of proclaimers. Therefore, the angel’s command to stand and be bold in their work was surely welcomed. Scripture is replete with the command for…
Male architect in office

Go, Stand, and Speak (Acts 5:20): Part 1

The evangelistic tenacity that characterized the early Christians is one of the most impressive characteristics that scripture reveals about them. They were persistent in doctrine (Acts 2:42), focused on their goal (Acts 2:46), and bold in the face of adversity (Acts 4:13). They were serious about soul winning and gave every effort to do it effectively and thoroughly. In the beginning chapters of Acts, Peter and John take a leading role. They had preached on Solomon’s porch, been arrested, and…
Helping hands or begging for help

Bless the Lord!

Psalm 103:1 is an emphatic and imperative call to praise the Lord. The command implies affection and a sense of gratitude as well as effort and energy. To bless the Lord with all that is within me involves my entire being. Someone may casually remark that they do not get much out of worship. As this passage reveals, that is the case when one does not put enough into worship. The remainder of the psalm identifies a number of reasons…

Shame is a Good Thing

Western culture has done a masterful job of normalizing abnormal, unhealthy, and immoral behavior. This, in large degree, is due to the fact that we have sought to remove every ounce of shame from our society. Shame is a feeling of humiliation and embarrassment brought about by wrongdoing. Though our world rejects the notion, Scripture teaches that a feeling of shame and embarrassment can be a good thing because it prompts us to turn away from what is wrong and…
Hands closed in prayer on Holy Bible. Christian banner with copy space. Prayer and gospel spreading

Praying Through Controversy

After healing the lame man on Solomon’s Porch, Peter preached the gospel to the crowd that had gathered and many obeyed. Unsurprisingly, the event caught the attention of the Jewish leaders. They arrested Peter and John and commanded them to cease preaching in the name of Christ. How did the church react to this challenge? The answer may surprise you. Acts 4:23-31 tells us that they prayed.  They prayed together (v. 24a). Peter and John “went to their own companions”…
Love writing decoration

A Friend Loveth at all Times

Over the course of our lives, most of us have known many people whom we have called a friend. But, how can we differentiate between a real friend and someone who is really just an acquaintance? The story of Jonathan and David gives us the answer (1 Sam. 19:2). The true test of friendship is whether or not a person will stand beside you in the most difficult of times. Jonathan showed himself to be a true friend to David…
Casual Children Cheerful Cute Friends Kids Joy Concept

Some Reasons to be Joyful

Christians are commanded to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil. 4:4) but sometimes that can be difficult. It is helpful to remember the many reasons what we have for rejoicing. Here are three for your consideration.  God’s providential care. Simply stated, providence refers to provision. Consider the various ways in which God provides for His people. Spiritually speaking He has provided “all things pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). We have redemption through the blood of Christ (Eph.…
Young nurse in mask

Sin Distancing

The emergence of the COVID-19 Coronavirus has changed our world in a number of ways. Though hard to believe, wearing masks, standing in line to enter the grocery store, and toilet paper at a premium have all become part of daily American life. Part of this great change is the practice of social distancing. Health officials tell us that we can prevent contracting and spreading the virus by maintaining a distance of 6 feet from each other, refraining from hugging…
Old books on windowsill

Respecting the Authority of Christ

At a time in which everyone does what is right is his own eyes (Judges 17:6), the challenge to respect the authority of Christ is great. This present age is very much like those described in the pages of history. Consider Israel, in 1 Samuel 8, who demanded a king to rule over them like the surrounding nations. The problem was that they already had a King, Jehovah, but they rejected Him (1 Sam. 8:6-9). In his pride, man seeks…
Man and woman shaking hands over business agreement

The Value of a Good Reputation

Solomon said, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Pro. 22:1). We all have a reputation of some kind and everyone has an opinion of us. It is true that we cannot control what people think, but we can control the impression we give them by the way we act. Scripture implores us to recognize the value of a good reputation.  We should recognize that our reputation will not…