Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 19)

Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 19)

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That You May Know . . .

In five short chapters of 1 John, the word “know” or one of its derivatives is found thirty-eight times. Indeed, the concept of knowledge was extremely important to the apostle of love, as he dealt with the Gnostics and their claim to superior knowledge. Their claims were heartbreaking and concerning to the first-century church. No doubt it was a threat to their faith. So, John wanted his readers to have a complete and firm conviction. He wanted them to know…

Love Your Neighbor – Cody Westbrook

Love your neighbor. The sentiment seems simple enough but the practice is much more difficult than we may realize. The problem is not that people are unfamiliar with the idea–“love each other” is a refrain heard on a daily basis. The real issue is meaning. What is love? What does it mean to love your neighbor? People tend to answer those questions based on their own philosophy and such is problematic because it produces a chaotic inconsistent atmosphere where one…
Woman with Bible

Psalm 100: Giving Honor to God

How do you view God? Think carefully about how you answer that question because your answer determines your response. There are many people in the world who have a distorted view of God and therefore respond to Him in a completely unacceptable fashion. For example, there are some who live lives of complete, open, and unmistakable rebellion against the Lord, yet when they die their friends and loved ones adamantly declare that they have “gone to a better place.”  The…
Sky and clouds

Heaven Holds All To Me

“Heaven holds all to me, brighter its glory will be; joy without measure will Tbe my treasure, Heaven holds all to me.” The words of the soul-stirring hymn written by the late brother Tillit S. Teddlie have thrilled the hearts of God’s people for decades. We often sing “Heaven holds all to me” but does it really? And, why? Do we want to go to Heaven more than anything else? Do we ever contemplate what that place will be like and…
Purse With Money On The Wooden Table


Stewardship is one of the more challenging principles of New Testament Christianity, not because it is difficult to understand but because of the all-encompassing nature of its application to daily living. Everything we have is entrusted to our care and must be utilized responsibly. Our time, our abilities, our opportunities, our money, our children, and our lives are all gifts given graciously by God to be used for His glory. Such a reality should humble us and compel us to…