Posts by Southwest Church of Christ (Page 6)

Posts by Southwest Church of Christ (Page 6)

Is My Word Not Like Fire?

Throughout the Old Testament, we learn that God’s people were continually departing from Him, and one of the major reasons were the false prophets. Therefore, God commanded them to preach His word because it is like fire (Jeremiah 23:29). Let us consider the ways in it is like fire, and what it can do in our lives. God’s word is like fire because it gives light. Just as light helps to see in the darkness and gives direction, God’s word…

The Excuses of Moses

When God appeared to Moses, He called him to lead the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. Yet, Moses gave excuses, and God’s responded to them. In a similar way, we have received a special calling to go to the world to deliver those in the bondage of sin (Mk. 16:15; 1 Pet. 2:9). Yet, too often, we behave like Moses, making excuses for what we are called to do. Who am I? (Ex. 3:11-12). Whatever the reason that…

The Faith of Abraham

One of the greatest men in history has to be the Patriarch Abraham. In fact, there are three major religions that consider him to be the forefather: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but as Christians, we view him as “the father of all who believe” (Rom. 4:11). What is most noteworthy about Abraham was his faith (Rom. 4:3; 4:9; 4:11; 4:16-22; Gal. 3:7-9), but what was it about Abraham’s faith that pleased God? (Gen. 15:6). First, Abraham’s faith was based on…

The Choice of Lot

The examples of men and women that are recorded in the Bible can provide valuable lessons for us today (Rom. 15:4). From Abraham, we can learn the value of faith in God. From Joseph, the workings of God’s providential care. From Job, the importance of patience and faith under trial. From Lot, we can learn valuable lesson in decision making (Gen. 13:10-12). In the book of Genesis, Lot is introduced to us as the nephew of Abraham who traveled with…

Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

In Genesis 6:5-7 we read of God’s displeasure with the world and its wickedness. However, as God pronounces judgment on the world and prepares to destroy it with a flood, we find encouraging words concerning one man: “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen. 6:8). This simply means that Noah found favor in God’s sight, and the result of that favor was escape for he and his family from the flood! But why did he find grace…

Church Growth in the First Century

The growth of the first century church was both spectacular and constant. What caused this tremendous growth? One passage summarizes their success well: ¬“Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied” (Acts 9:31). Brethren, if we are serious about church growth, we will pay close attention to these principles of church growth. First, the church…

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

One of the most thought-provoking questions in the Bible is the one asked by Cain in Genesis 4:9. When the Lord questioned him concerning the brother whom he murdered (Abel), his response was: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”. This is a question we need to ask ourselves today. Do we have a responsibility to watch out for and care for one another? When we turn to the New Testament, it becomes clear that the answer is absolutely. First, consider our…

Who May Dwell with God?

If someone were to ask, “Do you believe that you will be in Heaven?” How would you answer, and why? Consider how Psalm 15 answers the question, “Who May Dwell with God?” The answer is… People who have the proper character, verses 1-3: Beginning in verse 2, David writes, He who:“Walks uprightly”, which means “to live blamelessly.” “Works righteousness”, which means “living according to God’s standard.” “Speaks the truth”, which means “speaking honest things.” Then in verse 3, David writes…
Forest with an amazing revelation

The End of the Book – John Haffner

Have you ever peeked at the last chapter of a novel? Maybe you hoped to learn the identity of the culprit. Maybe you just wanted to be assured of a happy ending before committing yourself to reading. When it comes to “The Book” (the word Bible comes from the Ancient Greek for “book, paper, or scroll”), we have many good reasons to peek at the ending. The end of the New Testament is found at the Revelation of John. In…
Closeup of simple wooden Christian cross necklace on Bible.

Look at the Christ – Ronnie Scherffius

One of the most well-known paintings of Leonardo da Vinci is “The Last Supper.” Though fraught with biblical contradictions, it stands as the classic representation of Jesus with His apostles on this momentous occasion. Legend says that when Leonardo first revealed the painting to friends, they noted the attention to detail the artist had given, particularly to the fringe of the tablecloth. Disgusted, da Vinci wiped away the ornate border and demanded, “Look at the Christ.” If you could paint…
Top view of religious male crossed hands in prayer

The Disciplined Ones – Bill Jackson

We have repeatedly stated that the child of God is a controlled being. He, after all, once lived to his own will and pleasure, fulfilling all the desires of the flesh and mind (Eph. 2:3), but in coming obediently to the Christ he has denied self (Luke 9:23) and willingly subscribed to the Master’s will. He has then said that he will live a controlled and regimented life. As a child of God he is called a “disciple,” and thus…
Male hand clenched into a fist. The black life of matter.

The Offensive Christ – Johnny Ramsey

In Galatians 5:11, we read of “the offense of the cross.” To some in Corinth, nothing was as distasteful as the preaching of the crucified Savior. In Athens, Paul was mocked for preaching the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:12). To be perfectly honest, Christ was a “rock of offense” and a “stone of stumbling” to many among His own people and in the Roman Empire (Rom. 9:33). Why did Jesus offend so many?  He was despised in the region of…