Church Blog (Page 13)

Church Blog (Page 13)

From the Director’s Desk (January 2024) – Trent Kennedy

Some Christians love to be spoon-fed long after they pass the newborn stage. Correspondingly, some preachers love to keep spoon-feeding Christians even when they should have matured long past that stage (cf. Heb. 5:12-14) We all understand that if a thirty-year-old is still being spoon-fed, something has not developed correctly. At times, this can happen because of mental or physical handicaps. However, if we were to see a grown man being spoon-fed and coddled by his mother, a grown man…

Two Basic Rules for Reading the Bible – Steven Lloyd

Another hallmark of the literary approach to the Bible is its emphasis on the unity of books and passages. Literary critics look for literary wholes. A pioneer in the literary approach to the Bible rightly commented that ‘no principle of literary study is more important than that of grasping clearly a literary work as a single whole.’ A literary approach to the Bible is thus characterized partly by attention to unifying patterns in biblical texts. (Words of Delight, p. 21).…

Shortcuts for Bible Study – Kevin W. Rhodes

Anyone who studies the Bible has longed for tips that could reduce the effort needed to exegete a passage, prepare a lesson plan, or write a sermon. When an especially difficult passage or topic comes along, the time crunch feels truly oppressive, mocking your efforts and exposing your weaknesses. The expectation for the preacher to know every answer exacerbates the problem, pressuring ministers to find an answer more quickly than wisdom warrants. However, pride and impatience can rear their heads,…

Getting to Know God’s Word

One of Scripture’s most tragic statements is found in Hosea 4:6—“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” God provided His people with everything that they needed to know in order to please Him. His Divine Will was clearly revealed in the Law  and proclaimed  by His servants sent time and again to plead with His people. But they continually rejected Him, and consequently He rejected them (Hos. 4:6b). Another tragedy is found in Amos 8:11—“Behold, the days are coming,…

Building Your Devotional Life – Neal Pollard

Maybe you have resolved repeatedly to become a better, more faithful Bible student, person of prayer, or simply one who truly desires to build a closer relationship with God. While a lot of that will be personal and peculiar to you as an individual, you may lack direction about how to get started or give yourself the best chance to succeed in that goal. Perhaps these few suggestions can prove helpful to strengthening your daily connection with your Creator. Adjust…

Faithful Christians Win Souls

Just as an apple tree produces fruit that has the potential to grow another tree, so a righteous person can influence family and friends to follow them in the paths of righteousness. But what makes a faithful Christian able to win souls? Christians win souls because they are wise (Pro. 11:30; Matt. 7:24-27). Our godly wisdom is more precious to the future of the Lord’s church than we may realize. As we grow and mature in the gospel of Christ,…

“I Need Thee Every Hour”

The story says that as Annie S. Hawks was busying herself with her usual household chores, she began to think about the closeness that one ought to have with God. She then sat down to write the lines of the poem that would eventually evolve into the soul-stirring song we know today. After contemplating the lyrics of the song there are several lessons that come to mind. First, we must have a desire to have God in our lives. James…

Jesus, A Soul Winner

As we begin the new year, I would like for us to consider a hymn we often sing, “Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?” Our Lord answered the question in Luke 19:10, “to seek and to save the lost.” In other words, to be a soul winner. As Christians, we cannot be a follower of His and refuse to keep His mission alive (Luke 6:40); The two are inseparable (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15- 16). Let’s consider how our Lord…

Holding Fast the Word of Life

Philippians 2:12-16 teaches us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and allow God to work in us. We must do all things without murmuring and disputing, and be children of God without fault, by being blameless and harmless. Now, fundamental to our ability to do all these things is that we “hold fast the word of life” (Phil. 2:16). How can we accomplish this? Ezra 7:10 provides three ways. First, seek the law of the Lord…

From the Director’s desk (December 2023) – Trent Kennedy

Jesus trained his apostles. Moses trained Joshua. Elijah trained Elisha. The list could go on, but the Bible is clear that the task of training men to lead, to preach, and to minister is an important one (2 Timothy 2:2). The primary training ground for leadership is the home, but the church has a great role to play in furthering this cause. It is our belief that the Southwest School of Bible Studies can help local congregations in this endeavor.…

“And When He Gave Thanks….” – Justin Gonzalez

Jesus the Christ is the supreme example that all men should follow. Paul said “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). Paul understood that Christ is the example to be followed in all things. John writes that the Christian should abide in Him and “walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6). When looking to Jesus for our example, in order to do as He did and live as He lived, we see His use of…

“Justified in the Spirit” – Trent Kennedy

Jesus Christ is exhorted in First Timothy as our hope (1:1), our Lord (1:2), as the epitome of grace, faith, and love (1:14), our Savior (1:15), our mediator (2:5), and the one who will come again (6:14). This epistle and the New Testament certainly proves that He is worthy of our praise, adoration, and honor. In the short, Spirit-inspired song of praise through the pen of Paul (1 Tim. 3:16), there is a phrase that draws the present-day reader’s attention:…