Church Blog (Page 30)

Church Blog (Page 30)

Christian women praying in the dark

A Prayer for Spiritual Growth – Clay Bond

There are people who have grown up in the church of Christ, but who have never grown in the Christ. What I mean by that is that there Christians who have been members of the church of Christ for decades, but they have never grown spiritually. This was the case with those being addressed in Hebrews 5:11-14, they had remained babes in Christ!  Most would agree that the writer of Hebrews addressed these comments to people who had been Christians…
Hands of a man praying over a Bible represents faith and spirituality in everyday life. close up.

The Book of Colossians

The greatest crime ever perpetrated on humanity began in the garden and continues to this day. When Satan approached Eve in the garden, he did so with one purpose–the abduction of her heart. The devil is not sovereign, and thus he cannot force his will upon anyone.  He is a master of deception and thrives upon his ability to bamboozle and con humanity into believing his lies. If he can kidnap our minds and steal our loyalty, then he has…
Adhesive note with Thanks text on a bulletin board

A Word of Thankfulness – Andy Baker

Thankfulness is often a result of what we hear. There is the story of the man who was doing well at a job interview. The interviewer told the man, “You’re a very impressive candidate, but before I offer you the job, I want to know about this five-year gap in your employment here on your resume.” The man said, “Oh, that’s when I went to yale.” The interviewer stood, shook the man’s hand, and said, “I’m thankful to have found…

Stay Grounded

One of life’s most difficult challenges, is dealing with difficult challenges. How do we cope with tragedy, cancer, war, or dozens of other issues we encounter in life? The painful reality is that many of life’s challenges are simply beyond our control. Neither you nor I have any bearing on the ultimate outcome of the war in Ukraine. We cannot dictate economic policy in Washington, and we cannot prevent a fatality accident caused by a drunk driver. As much as…

Who May Dwell with God?

If someone were to ask, “Do you believe that you will be in Heaven?” How would you answer, and why? Consider how Psalm 15 answers the question, “Who May Dwell with God?” The answer is… People who have the proper character, verses 1-3: Beginning in verse 2, David writes, He who:“Walks uprightly”, which means “to live blamelessly.” “Works righteousness”, which means “living according to God’s standard.” “Speaks the truth”, which means “speaking honest things.” Then in verse 3, David writes…

How to Handle Controversy

The first recorded controversy of the early church is found in Acts 3. After healing the lame man on Solomon’s Porch, Peter preached the gospel to the crowd that had gathered and many obeyed. Unsurprisingly, the event caught the attention of the Jewish leaders, who arrested Peter and John. How did the church react to this challenge? Acts 4:23-31 tells us that they prayed. They prayed together (v. 24a). Peter and John “went to their own companions” and they “raised…

Crucify the Flesh

Peter wrote of the “exceedingly great and precious promises” given to the children of God (2 Pet. 1:4). Indeed, our Father has promised us great things. Blessings such as forgiveness (1 John 1:9), fellowship (Heb. 13:5), peace (Phil. 4:7), and eternal life (1 John 2:25) are all ours to enjoy. These promises motivate us to faithfulness and comfort us in times of distress. No wonder the Hebrews writer reminded his readers of them to encourage them to remain faithful to…
Diverse of big group of peoples hands together outdoors

A Word of Advice for the Church – Ronnie Scherffius

The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that teach practical and moral lessons. Written by Solomon (Pro. 1:1), it served as instructions to make a son wise and knowledgeable (Pro.1:2, 8; 2:1; 3:1; et al.). Though the book was written as instruction to an individual, there are many proverbs we can apply to the church. Let us note a few to emphasize the importance of laboring in the work of the church.  A working church is a…
Summer vacation, school College break in summer, students get time off, Academic year end. Young

A Word of Advice for Young People – Trent Kennedy

To the youth in the pew Young people, you must realize that living in sin is an option, but it is not a good option. Some temptations may be greater for youth (2 Tim. 2:22). Many have tried it before coming to their senses (cf. Luke 15:17). Moses, educated in the ways of Egypt and understanding the lifestyle he could have led apart from God, chose to be associated with God and God’s people instead of enjoying “the pleasures of…
Grandparents and grandchild jumping outdoors

A Word of Advice for Grandparents – Dave Rogers

“Grandparent.” Whether applied to an aged and enfeebled nursing home resident or a marathon-running, mountain-biking, adventure-seeking 45-year-old, in many ears this word conveys only one image—old.  My own grandparents seemed “ancient” during my own childhood, though they were all about the age I have now attained.  Two were faithful Christians and two were not, yet all are precious to me, and their examples are a large part of who I am now.  Solomon wrote, “The memory of the just is…
Young mixed race parents parents having fun piggybacking their children in the garden

A Word of Advice for Parents – Allen Webster

In Proverbs, Solomon invites us into the intimacy of his family circle. Twenty-three times in the book he addresses “my son.” Forty times he mentions mothers and fathers. Five times he mentions a wife (5:18; 6:29; 18:22; 19:13-14) and five additional times he mentions a wise, virtuous, or gracious woman (possibly referring to his wife or a future daughter-in-law). Let’s allow the world’s wise man to give us the verbs we need to successfully prepare our children for heaven. Observe…
men's legs in jeans and old travel vintage leather boots

A Word of Advice for Elders and Deacons – Ken Hope

As a former elder and deacon, I’m excited about this opportunity to share some much-needed advice to others serving in these areas.  Before the advice, let me first sound a word of appreciation. “Thank you” to all the men who have served in the past or are presently serving as an elder or deacon in the Lord’s church.  As you have found out, this work is “the toughest job you’ll ever love” (to borrow a catchphrase from the Peace Corps). …