“They’re all a Pack of Lies and Kids Fairy Tales!” – Carl B. Garner
The above quote came from a government employee who was ridiculing the birth of Jesus, His life and resurrection. He was explaining why he opposed the “Christmas displays” that foster a belief in what he called “fairy tales.” As we all know, that is happening a lot these days, and the Bible is receiving a lot of opposition, to the point that they are being banned in some communities. We know God never authorized a celebration of Jesus’ birthday as…
Man’s Responsibilities – Denny Petrillo
In view of Solomon’s warning in (Ecc 12:13,14)to “fear God and keep His commandments,” it seems prudent for us to consider what responsibilities he has given man throughout the book. First, Solomon has instructed man to enjoy life. While many today have a “it’s all about me” and a “go for the gusto” philosophy, Solomon offers a legitimate reason to find joy in one’s life. There is much to enjoy: food, companionship, work – but all based upon a positive…
The “If-Thens” of the Prophets – Andy Baker
Working your way through the major or minor prophets, where God is rebuking His people, it can become tedious to read. However, as one reads along, a reader will invariably come across an “if-then” statement. A good Bible student will note and highlight these if-then statements because they indicate application of God’s word to the people to whom they are being spoken. These if-then statements are landmarks NOT to be ignored. They can and will remind us of: God’s infinite…
Why Sunday? – John Haffner
We assemble together for worship on Sunday, the first day of the week. Others come together for their religious observances on Saturdays. Not long ago, I saw a billboard advertising one group’s convenient new times for praise and worship on Monday evenings. Does it really matter what day we meet for worship? What does the Bible say? In the days of the Old Testament, the children of Israel worshipped on the Sabbath Day. The word Sabbath refers to the seventh,…
The Plan of Salvation: Baptism
Upon hearing the preaching of Peter and the apostles, a great number of Jews asked “Men and brethren, what shall we do” (Acts 2:37)? That question has been asked by a countless number of people from that day until now. Thankfully, God has not left us in the dark searching for the answer. God’s word teaches us that He has a very simple plan for the salvation of mankind. A person must hear God’s word (Rom. 10:17), believe in Christ…
I Am Weak But Thou Art Strong – Don Walker
It took seven years of living as a wild animal before Nebuchadnezzar knew “that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men” and before he humbled himself (Dan. 4). Belshazzar knew of Nebuchadnezzar’s humility and still did not learn (Dan. 5:22). Oh, that men would learn that when they humble themselves before the hand of Jehovah, He extends His hand to help. We live in difficult and trying times. It seems that even the normal necessities of our lives…
Run the Race – Tom Moore
There is an old story about the Greek Marathon. Muscular, conditioned runners paced nervously near the starting line for the long-distance race. The time was near. They “shook out” their muscles, inhaled deeply, and put on their “game faces.” In the midst of it all, a young stranger took his place at the starting line. His physique was awesome. Taking no notice of the other contestants, he stared straight ahead. Two prizes would be awarded the winner of the Marathon:…
Feed Us!
For as long as I can remember, I have heard preachers sound the alarm about the sad state of preaching in many pulpits throughout the country. Johnny Ramsey would often talk about preachers who “didn’t preach enough Bible to fill a thimble.” I recall Andrew Connally lamenting an occasion on which he stepped into a pulpit for a gospel meeting and found a sermon outline book the local preacher had preached from the night before without any study or preparation…
What It Means to Be a Prophet – Justin Rogers
The term “prophet” and its cognates occur over 500 times in the Bible. In both the Old and New Testaments, prophets are routinely featured as sources of divine instruction and motivation. The regularity with which the Bible uses the term “prophet” stands in contrast to its relative infrequency in contemporary Christianity. But that is changing. A number of traditions and individuals are starting to adopt the term “prophet,” especially in reference to their preachers. Without necessarily claiming divine inspiration, they…
Game Changers: Joshua And Caleb: Courage to Stand – Ronnie Scherffius
Most are familiar with the inspired record of Joshua and Caleb — the two spies who returned with a good report and opposed the evil report of the ten spies (Num. 13) that caused the people to cry out in despair to God and murmur against Moses and Aaron (Num. 14:1-4). But we often fail to consider the reaction of Israel toward Joshua and Caleb when they opposed the evil report and courageously stood on God’s side. And Joshua the…
A Consuming Fire – Steven Lloyd
The Lord cannot be approached any way we choose. He can only be approached on His terms. Israel was forewarned that if they approached him on their own terms, there would be negative consequences. For example, the garment to be worn by Aaron, the high priest when he entered the Tabernacle, had a golden bell attached: …and its sound shall be heard when he goes into the Holy Place before the Lord, and when he comes out, so that he…
Do You Have What it Takes? – Clay Bond
The book of Proverbs gives us some of the best counsel when it comes to daily Christianity. Solomon said, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). The Godly life is truly the happiest and best way of life. God’s Word has been handed down to us to instruct us in this noble pursuit (2 Timothy 3:16-17). To help…