Church Blog (Page 46)

Church Blog (Page 46)

Bible and praying hands

Some Suggestions for Studying the Bible this Year

Spiritual growth is impossible without God’s word (1 Pet. 2:2). The bible tells us to study (2 Tim. 2:15) and meditate (Ps. 1) on God’s Word on a regular basis. David said, “Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You” (Ps. 119:11). Because bible study is so important, it is also important that we know how to study effectively. Here are some suggestions that may help your personal bible study in the year(s) to…

“And They Were Astonished” – Tom Wacaster

Near the close of His earthly ministry our Lord made one final journey to Galilee. His first stop on that tour was in Nazareth, the city where He grew up. Matthew’s record of this visit to Nazareth appears in 13:54-58. Upon entering into the city it is said that our Lord “taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished” (13:54). Should that surprise us? Do you recall that moment recorded by John when the officers were sent by…

Proving Your Faith – Wayne Jackson 

How do we know that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God? Is our faith based merely upon tradition? Is faith the result of religious fanaticism? No, genuine faith stands firmly upon evidence.  After the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, the newly appointed apostle entered the Jewish synagogues and “proclaimed Jesus, that he is the son of God” (Acts 9:20). His message continually amazed those who heard it. It seemed incredible that one who had so opposed the Christian…
Vintage world map

My Kingdom is Not of this World – Steven Lloyd

I would summarize the Story of the Bible in this way: it opens with God as the King of the universe. He establishes a special relationship with the nation of Israel. This special nation eventually rejects God from being King and asks for a man to rule over them in order to be like the nations around them (1 Sam. 8). God gives them a king. He gives them many kings, and the kings end up becoming the problem. Even the…
Law book and judges gavel

Capital Punishment – Trent Kennedy

In the face of 21st century moral and ethical issues, the Lord’s church must still lean upon the inspired Word of God and look to Divine wisdom to answer these questions, find God’s perspective on these issues, and see how we should treat those with whom we disagree. One of the topics of political, cultural, and spiritual significance is capital punishment. Does the government have the right to administer the death penalty? Can a Christian support ending the life of…
world map

The Christian and Immigration – Kevin Cauley

This past weekend, I heard a news story: a religious body placed effigies of Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus into chain-linked cages to protest the detaining of illegal immigrants to the United States. It is true that Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus took refuge from King Herod in Egypt, but they were traveling lawfully within the Roman Empire and were not illegal immigrants. In fact, Joseph had led his family to Bethlehem because Caesar Augustus had ordered all to participate…
Drawn scales with male and female gender symbols

Biblical Gender Equality – Bryan Hodge

Let me begin by clarifying what is meant by “gender.”  Cambridge Dictionary’s first listing says, “the male or female sex, or the state of being male or female” (  One certainly can find other definitions.  However, this is how I am using the term.  I mean male and female.  I do not mean the one hundred or more genders, which some now imagine existing (consider: BBC teaches kids there are ‘over 100’ gender identities by Jessica Chasmar – The Washington…
Seed and young plants

The Sovereign of Life

That life is precious seems like a fairly obvious truth, and for many it is. Childbirth, the death of a loved one, frightening medical diagnosis’, and other things provoke reflection on the fragile and wonderful nature of human life, regularly. But for too many, the precious nature of life is of little or no concern. Typically, figures like serial killers and malevolent genocidal rulers come to mind when considering those who think little of life, and for good reason. Illustrations…
Black and white human hands in a modern handshake

Biblical Racial Equality – Bruce Ligon

Evaluating history can be painful. People, including Christians, sometimes have reached wrong conclusions. They have misused Scripture to support their mistaken beliefs. These beliefs have been passed on to succeeding generations by word and example. Tragically, this has been true regarding racism. An entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica makes the following poignant statements:  “Racism reflects an acceptance of the deepest forms and degrees of divisiveness and carries the implication that differences between groups are so great that they cannot be…
Crown of Thorns on White Paper Background

The Suffering Savior – Clay Bond

In Acts chapter eight, we learn of the evangelist Philip’s interaction with an Ethiopian man whose curiosity was sparked by Isaiah’s writings about the silent sufferer in Isaiah 53. Beginning from this Scripture, Philip “preached unto him Jesus” (Acts 8:35). First, Isaiah revealed that the word that best describes the man of Isaiah 53 is “insignificant.” Humanity was unimpressed as they beheld this “tender plant,” “a root out of a dry ground,” one who had “no form or comeliness” and…
Reading an old book

The Need for Personal Study – Robert E. Guinn

Why has attendance been greatly stressed among God’s people in the past? We cannot ignore that the attendance changes between different Bible classes and worship services on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Are elders and spiritual leaders just being “nit-picky,” or is there a deeper issue that concerns our fellow Christians when they see our lack of participation? We have approximately 168 hours in a week. If we attend ALL of the regular congregational worship services and studies, we have made…
Fanned book

“They’re all a Pack of Lies and Kids Fairy Tales!” – Carl B. Garner

The above quote came from a government employee who was ridiculing the birth of Jesus, His life and resurrection. He was explaining why he opposed the “Christmas displays” that foster a belief in what he called “fairy tales.” As we all know, that is happening a lot these days, and the Bible is receiving a lot of opposition, to the point that they are being banned in some communities. We know God never authorized a celebration of Jesus’ birthday as…