Article (Page 4)

Article (Page 4)

7 Things You Can Do to Help the Church Grow!

1. Make sure YOU put the Kingdom First! You don’t want to fall into the trap where everything becomes an empty habit – you show up to AMPM worship, Wednesday night, all of the events and activities (all are needed) but stop to ask WHY? Habit? Duty? Sense of accomplishment? No one else will do it? Or because you love the Lord and His kingdom? 2. Have a sense of Identity! We are Christians (Acts 11:26) – those who belong…

The Pure in Heart

Did you know that at the heart ofevery snowflake, there is a tiny speck of dust? Typically, they are known for their beauty and symbol of purity, but in reality, they are dirty-hearted little snowflakes. When it comes to us, is it the same? What are we at our core when we look beneath the facade or the dressing? The word, “pure,” carried the idea of “unmixed; it is a singleness of heart, as opposed to a divided heart.” In…

The Importance of Context

How many passages of Scripture were written to you? How many inspired words were written to directly address your specific situation in life? The answer may surprise you. Not one word of one verse of Scripture was written directly to you, or to me, or anyone else in the 21st century. That is not to say that God does not speak to us today through His Word–He does. It is not to say that the Bible is not applicable and…

The Merciful

In Habakkuk 2:4, the prophet declared, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.” Although this is the first time the principle is stated in these words, it is not new. It is as old as God’s dealings with man. The righteous have always and will always live by faith (Gal. 2:20). Therefore, it is important for us to understand faith, and how to develop a faith approach to living.…

Time Changes but Doctrine Never Does!

Hebrews 13:8 stands as one of the most memorable passages in the book–“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” It is common to hear this verse quoted in reference to the unchanging nature of Christ, but while that may be a true principle, it does not exhaust the full meaning of the passage. Contextually, the writer has in mind not just the immutability of the Savior, but the immutability of the Savior’s Word. Hebrews was written to Jewish…

Those Who Hunger and Thirst

In Habakkuk 2:4, the prophet declared, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.” Although this is the first time the principle is stated in these words, it is not new. It is as old as God’s dealings with man. The righteous have always and always will live by faith (Gal. 2:20). Therefore, it is important for us to understand faith, and how to develop a faith approach to living.…

Don’t Take the Hard Way

My family and I recently hiked the Friends Trial Loop in Beavers Bend State Park. It was a great hike! The weather was terrific, the company was perfect, and the view of the Mountain Fork River was worth the trip. Though enjoyable, the hike was not without its challenges. Hiking a loop means choosing to go right or left at the beginning of the trail. We chose to go right, which resulted in a steep, rocky climb up the mountain.…

The Meek

In Habakkuk 2:4, the prophet declared, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.” Although this is the first time the principle is stated in these words, it is not new. It is as old as God’s dealings with man. The righteous have always and always will live by faith (Gal. 2:20). Therefore, it is important for us to understand faith, and how to develop a faith approach to living.…

Those Who Mourn

In Habakkuk 2:4, the prophet declared, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.” Although this is the first time the principle is stated in these words, it is not new. It is as old as God’s dealings with man. The righteous have always and always will live by faith (Gal. 2:20). Therefore, it is important for us to understand faith, and how to develop a faith approach to living.…

Arise with Conviction!

To be convicted is to hold a strong persuasion or belief. It involves being convinced, compelled, and confident. The church is in great need of more Christians who will stand with conviction in a dark world. More who will say with the apostle Paul, “I am not ashamed” (Rom. 1:16). More who will stand as he did in locations all over the ancient world, boldly proclaiming truth in the midst of materialism, paganism, and all manner of godlessness. But, in…

The Poor in Spirit

In Habakkuk 2:4, the prophet declared, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.” Although this is the first time the principle is stated in these words, it is not new. It is as old as God’s dealing with man. The righteous have always and always will live by faith (Gal. 2:20). Therefore, it is important for us to understand faith, and how to develop a faith approach to living.…

6 Things to Remember When You Give

Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom..” (Luke 6:38). We know that we should give of our means to the Lord, but in an economy that seems to demand more and more of us by the month, generosity may seem untenable and maybe even burdensome. Paul addressed giving in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. Note 6 principles from…