Christian Worker (Page 12)

Christian Worker (Page 12)

A Change in SWSBS Directorship

As elders, we realize that the fields are “white unto harvest” and that many good, honest people are seeking to be taught God’s Word. Therefore, faithful men and women who are well prepared with a deep knowledge of the Biblical text are urgently needed to sow the seed of God’s Kingdom (Luke 8:11). The Southwest church of Christ, aware of this need and understanding our responsibility to help meet it, inaugurated a full-time school of Bible studies on September 4,…

Does the First Century Church Exist? – Johnie Scaggs

The world we live in is very different from the 1st century. On every side, we are plagued with numerous denominations of every brand. These denominations have significantly impacted the minds of many members of the body of Christ. Through printed pages, television, media, Facebook, etc., they preach their sermons and pollute the minds of the innocent. “The number of denominations varies depending on how they are defined and counted. Some sources estimate more than 200 in the U.S. and…

Does Organized Religion Matter? – John Haffner

The term “organized religion” leaves a bad taste in the mouth for many people today. Perhaps this stems from the abuses and controversies which have recently plagued many religious groups. More and more people are utilizing the description “spiritual but not religious,” also sometimes known as “spiritual but not affiliated,” to denote their detachment. I believe this rejection of responsibility and accountability goes too far in many respects. More than just getting out from under manmade labels, conventions, and mother…

What About the Community Church? – Bryan Hodge

The community church movement is popular and growing.  Community churches or “non-denominational” churches refers to independent local congregations which have no affiliation with the major denominations.  Determining exact numbers is difficult.  A study released in 2010 by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research reported that there were more than 12 million adherents in the U.S.A. to nondenominational churches. Some trace the community church to nineteenth century America.  “The earliest origins of the community church movement are likely from the nineteenth…

Why You Must be a Member of the Church of Christ

A casual observation of our religious landscape reveals that there are thousands of different churches spread throughout the world—Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Adventist, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational, Inter-Denominational, and many, many more. All of these churches believe and teach varying doctrines, creeds, and traditions. Some of these churches are very old and are composed of thousands of followers. Some are relatively new and have only a small following. Regardless of size or influence, each one claims to be following Christ in the correct…

Did Jesus only build one Church? – Kerry Clark

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus made this promise almost two thousand years ago. Notice that Jesus did not say He would build a church, or churches, or one of His churches. He did say, “…I will build my church…” (Matt. 16:18). The apostle Paul wrote, “There is one body…” (Eph.…

Is God Good? – Jim Lloyd

Someone may be described as “good” if they are useful or fulfill a purpose (“He’s a good baseball player”, “She’s a good surgeon”).  However, “goodness” is also appropriately defined in terms of moral character and uprightness.  The Bible tells us that with God both definitions are appropriate.  God Himself is good, generous, and benevolent (1 Chron. 16:34, Ps. 103:8).  Everything He created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31).  The Bible tells us God is working in this world and on our…

Can the Bible Be Trusted? – Rob Whitacre

The authenticity of Scripture is one of the three pillars of faith: God, the Bible, and Christ. If any of these fail, the entire Christian system falls. We are living in a growing culture of skepticism and unbelief. Believers in Scripture no longer represent the vast majority; at best, it is 50-50. If we are going to change these numbers, we need to go on the offense. An offensive Christian is an evangelistic Christian. The purpose of this article is…

Did Miracles Really Happen? – Kevin Cauley

Christianity is a religion of miracles, and the Bible records the historical fact of them. Passages such as 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 declare this. The truthfulness of the Bible’s message rests squarely upon miracles (John 20:30-31). Christianity is a historical religion with historical evidence for its truthfulness, and miracles are the key witness. Many have challenged the Bible’s claims of miracles. The philosopher David Hume wrote, “A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and…

Is Jesus the Son of God?

When Jesus and the twelve reached Caesarea Philippi, He asked them a very important question: “Whom do men say that I the Son of man, am?”  (Matt. 16:13). Naturally, there were  many  thoughts  and rumors of the Savior’s identity circulating Judea at the time–John the Baptist, Elijah,  Jeremiah–just as there would continue to be throughout  history. Peter, however, answered the question correctly: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16). That Jesus claimed deity is beyond…

Does God Exist? – Branyon May

Often the answers to the simplest of observations can yield the greatest insight. Consider the following questions. Where did all the stuff in our Universe come from? Who or what put order and design in nature? How did we end up on a life-bearing planet? By answering these questions, we can form a reasoned argument that our Universe is not an accident but a purposed result (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20). Natural Existence Demonstrates the Need for Supernatural The simple old…

Flee – DJ Stucky

Christianity is about becoming more like Jesus and following His path towards heaven. However, as we focus our lives on Christ, we must remain aware of the dangers that may threaten us along the way. God has revealed certain dangers that a Christian should run away from. The word translated as “flee” is the Greek word pheugo (φεύγω) which means to flee, take flight, or run away. In Acts 27:30, pheugo is used to describe escape from a shipwreck. Fleeing,…