Christian Worker (Page 17)
Concerning Prayer
Prayer is a marvelous privilege granted to the people of God (1 Pet. 3:12), and yet it is one of the more neglected tools in our spiritual toolbox. Every Christian should desire to learn more about prayer so that we may excel in this great spiritual discipline. First Timothy 2:1-7 is one of many passages that will help us in that endeavor. Consider five brief points concerning prayer from this context. First, Paul emphasizes the importance of prayer in the…
Transformed Consideration – Kevin W. Rhodes
Christianity should change you in the deepest and most profound ways possible. It should reshape your worldview until it becomes your worldview. It should change your temperament, creating balance and perspective. It should change your relationships by affecting all your associations and interactions. It should change your life so much that every thought, every word, and every action is first informed by your Christianity. But all of this depends on having the proper view of Christ and what He Himself…
Transformed Fellowship (2) – John Garza
Throughout the book of Colossians, we learn that we are “complete in Christ” (Col. 2:10), and certainly, this is to be the goal of every Christian. Does this mean that you and I are to be exactly alike in every way? In other words, should we expect every mature Christian to be duplicates of another in ability and service? Certainly not (1 Cor. 12:12-31; Eph. 4:16). Being in the fellowship of the body (partnership; participation; partakers) means that each will…
Transformed Fellowship (1) – Kevin Cauley
God said regarding Adam in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that man should be alone.” Not only was the Lord concerned for Adam, but he was planning for the future as well. God told Adam and Eve “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). He wanted a world with relationships. Jesus understood this principle when He sent His disciples out in twos (Mark 6:7). Having fellow laborers creates comradery and provides a source of…
Transformed Communication
It is said that for every word of Adolf Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, 125 people lost their lives in WWII. Every word, written or spoken, has power–even the insane musings of a madman, and as children of God, we should consider this truth very seriously. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Pro. 18:21). Our words can indeed accomplish great things for the Lord (or against Him), yet it is also true that “no man can tame…
Transformed Relationships – Trent Kennedy
When a person has committed himself to Christ, when a person has been buried and raised with Christ, when a person has put his old life to death, when person has put on a new man and does all things in the name of Christ, that person will see a great change in every aspect of his life. This great change, this transformed life, may be most evident in their interpersonal relationships. It is true that the gospel reaches down…
Teaching and Admonishing – Andy Baker
Because Christ is the undisputed Head of His church, we seek Him to do all things to the glory of God. He always does the things which please His Father (John 8:29). There is no room for others who want to tell us how we can/do approach God other than what the Lord has said. Colossians spends so much time exalting Jesus and denying what men say in “the appearance of wisdom” about Who He is and how we relate…
Put On . . . – Bryan Hodge
It is said that a tradition sprang up in the early years of church history concerning the garments worn following baptism. The historian Philip Schaff wrote, “During the week following, the neophytes wore white garments as a symbol of purity” (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 2, p. 252). Of course, this is not something the Bible requires. It was a human tradition practiced by some. However, the Bible does speak of a change of spiritual clothing that…
Put Off . . . – Johnnie Scaggs, Jr.
In the overall context of Colossians 3, Paul lays side by side some things we must put on and some things we must put off. Twice in our text, Paul states that we are to “put off” things that have to do with the old man of sin. The phrase “put off” is from “ἀποτίθημι,” meaning to “lay aside, or to take off.” From this, we can fully understand that Paul is saying that these things are things we must…
Put to Death . . .
Christianity is a counter-cultural and transformative religion. The gospel changes hearts (2 Cor. 10:5) and transforms us into the image of Jesus (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:17-18). We pattern our thoughts, our words, and our actions after His will and example. This places us in a position of contrast in this world. We “walk as children of light” (Eph. 5:8) in the midst of great darkness. We raise our children differently. We treat our spouses differently. Our priorities and everything…
Prioritizing Christ – Mel Hutzler
Our new life in Christ changes the rule, relationship, attitude, and actions of our lives. This new life orders its priorities out of the mind of Christ. That is Paul’s point to the church at Colossae as he moves into the practical portion of his letter. As people who have died to sin and been made alive unto God, Christians are to develop new goals, new moral principles, and a renewed determination to live on a higher plane. Paul opens…
Let No One Judge You! – Ross Haffner
Paul established the authority of Christ when he wrote, “He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence” (Col. 1:18). You would think divergence from His doctrine would be easy to detect—we can compare His word with other philosophies and make the right choice. But the warnings of Colossians 2 remind us that we can be “deceived by persuasive words” if we…