Christian Worker (Page 19)
A Word of Advice for Grandparents – Dave Rogers
“Grandparent.” Whether applied to an aged and enfeebled nursing home resident or a marathon-running, mountain-biking, adventure-seeking 45-year-old, in many ears this word conveys only one image—old. My own grandparents seemed “ancient” during my own childhood, though they were all about the age I have now attained. Two were faithful Christians and two were not, yet all are precious to me, and their examples are a large part of who I am now. Solomon wrote, “The memory of the just is…
A Word of Advice for Parents – Allen Webster
In Proverbs, Solomon invites us into the intimacy of his family circle. Twenty-three times in the book he addresses “my son.” Forty times he mentions mothers and fathers. Five times he mentions a wife (5:18; 6:29; 18:22; 19:13-14) and five additional times he mentions a wise, virtuous, or gracious woman (possibly referring to his wife or a future daughter-in-law). Let’s allow the world’s wise man to give us the verbs we need to successfully prepare our children for heaven. Observe…
A Word of Advice for Elders and Deacons – Ken Hope
As a former elder and deacon, I’m excited about this opportunity to share some much-needed advice to others serving in these areas. Before the advice, let me first sound a word of appreciation. “Thank you” to all the men who have served in the past or are presently serving as an elder or deacon in the Lord’s church. As you have found out, this work is “the toughest job you’ll ever love” (to borrow a catchphrase from the Peace Corps). …
A Wise Man Will Hear…
What does it mean to be wise? Who is a wise man? History’s pages are filled with the lives of those to whom we may point in an attempt to answer those questions. But no man, regardless of how wise he may be, could ever rival the wisdom of Solomon. Jehovah gave Solomon a “wise and understanding heart” unlike any before or after him (1 Kings 3:12). It seems fitting, then, that if one wants to know the true character…
A Word of Advice for Preachers – Kevin Rhodes
Preaching is a personal profession. For those who put their heart and soul into it, their work and identity intertwine so extensively that they sometimes have trouble distinguishing the two. This reality makes offering advice to preachers a task fraught with challenges lest any recommendation come across as criticism or, worse, an attack. Nevertheless, advice—even unsolicited—provides an opportunity for personal evaluation and potential improvement. And while I am well aware that I do not possess perfect answers for a work…
Arise and Evangelize!
The need for soul-winners has never been greater. Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest” (Matt. 9:37-38). The 6th annual Arise! Spiritual Growth Workshop was designed to help us answer that call. Every lesson approached evangelism from a different perspective and challenged us to arise and gather the harvest. We now seek to apply the lessons learned so that we may…
Arise and Meet Ahab!
The names Ahab and Jezebel are synonymous with wickedness. Of all the accounts of their iniquity, perhaps the most disturbing is found in 1 Kings 21. A man named Naboth owned a vineyard next to the palace which Ahab decided he had to have. When Naboth rejected Ahab’s overtures, Jezebel set a plan in motion which ultimately resulted in the murder of Naboth and Ahab’s possession of his vineyard. Though they certainly thought they had gotten away with murder, such…
The Effective Ministry – Rick Brumback
No person has ever affected human affairs at their most radical level more than Jesus, the “Word become flesh” (John 1:14). But upon what did His power of influence depend? Extraordinary earthly prerogative? Wealth? Education? Social standing? No; in fact in these areas He was largely unremarkable. Nevertheless, He changed the world. 1. Looks With the emphasis on beauty and looks so prevalent today, some may suppose that we could have greater influence, and greater respect, among others if we…
Is this not? – Mike Riley
When Jesus revealed His divinity to the Jews residing in Nazareth, they questioned His authority (Matt. 13:53-58). This was not unexpected, considering they only knew Him as “the carpenter’s son” (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3). After all, Jesus’ teaching was quite different from that of the Jewish religious teachers of the day (Matt. 7:28-29; John 7:46). By and large, the Galileans could not believe that “the carpenter’s son” was the Son of God. Because they had known him from boyhood, they…
Confessing or Denying? – Bill Jackson
“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt 10:32-33). Among the several ways in the New Testament by which proper response to God, and improper response, are pictured, this is one of the most striking. We either confess him or deny him. It has to mean, of course, far…
Symptoms of a Thriving Church
Though the reality of weak and dying congregations of God’s people saddens us, we take comfort in the fact that there are many congregations throughout the world that are thriving. In addressing the 7 churches in Asia, Jesus highlighted the good along with the bad (Rev. 2-3). A careful examination of each address reveals important characteristics which are present in healthy and thriving churches. Congregations that are hardworking (Rev. 2:2-3; 2:19). To the church at Ephesus Jesus said, “I know…
Micaiah, one who Spoke Truth – B.J. Clarke
The Alliance During a visit with Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, Ahab, king of Israel, requested that they form an alliance in going to battle to reclaim Ramoth-Gilead from the Syrians. Jehoshaphat expressed to Ahab his desire to unite to fight—if Ahab would inquire whether it was God’s will (1 Kings 22:4-5). The “A-lie-ance” With about 400 of his prophets assembled, Ahab asked, “Shall I go against Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up; for the…