Christian Worker (Page 2)

Christian Worker (Page 2)

Our Desire for Godly Homes – Josh Walker

When Joshua addressed the nation, he heavily implied that a strong nation begins with the home (Josh. 24:15). Many of the societal issues today can be attributed to the deterioration of the home, shining a light on its importance. God established the home in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 1:27-28), and it has proven to the foundational pillar of society. The importance of godly homes has not diminished, and is as necessary today as it has ever been. An adherence…

Our Emphasis on Evangelism – Rob Whitacre

The churches of Christ in America are on a steady decline. A recent projection from a Christian University revealed that we will lose 70% of our congregations and members by 2049. If you carry the numbers even further, by 2069, there will be almost no visible traces left of the Church in America. Those who seek RATIONALIZATION minimize our losses by pointing to similar declines among our denominational friends. Those who seek EXPLANATION (should we dare say excuses) cite increased…

Our Plan for Bible Study – Kevin W. Rhodes

The dawn of a new year provides a prime opportunity for Christians to take inventory of their spiritual health and create new and improved patterns for the future. Only such diligence will ensure greater growth and stronger faith while sojourning through life (2 Pet. 3:18). However, although many saints desire a closer relationship with God and a deeper understanding of His will, few have a specific plan to achieve this objective. Some will dedicate a portion of their day to…

Our Passion for Leadership

An organization without capable leadership is like a ship without a rudder. It drifts along with the wind, headed to nowhere and destined for disaster. The same could be said about a nation, a family, and yes, even a congregation of God’s people. In time past Western Culture was led by figures like Churchill, Thatcher, Washington, and Lincoln. But tenacity, courage, and vision like theirs is difficult to find in the halls of government now, and where have we arrived?…

From the Director’s Desk (December 2024) – Trent Kennedy

The gospel is good news because the outlook of sinful man is bleak. Sin separates mankind from God and puts us in the “bad news” category. While in sin, we are lost. People must come face-to-face with the reality that they are lost, separated from God, and without hope. It is God’s mouthpiece, His servant, the preacher, who must communicate this reality and offer the hope found only in Jesus. It is possible to communicate someone’s lost state to them…

In My Obedience – Bryce Mayfield

Obedience is an appealing characteristic. Not only to our God and His Son (John 14:15), but also to mankind. Parents, consider the pleasant thought of asking your children to wash the dishes and, with a simple, “Yes sir” or “Yes ma’am,” they immediately obey without raising objection. Such a thought would likely make any parent smile. This could be because obedience is learned and takes discipline or because this character trait has, seemingly, become less common in our society. Whatever…

In My Stewardship of Time – John Baker

Nobody ever managed their time the way Jesus did. In just 33 years of life, He changed history forever. Think of all He accomplished. In the work that He did on earth, Jesus became a greater Provider than Jacob (John 4:12-14), a greater Lawgiver than Moses (John 9:28; Heb. 3:1-6), a greater Teacher than Solomon (Matt. 12:42; cf. 1 Kings 10:1-7), and a greater King than David (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16). No one ever lived a fuller, richer, or…

In My Thoughts – Joey Davis

Isaiah said, “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isa. 53:2). The modern artist’s efforts to depict the Son of God typically portray him as a magnificent specimen of humanity. The Bible indicates that Jesus’ external appearance was probably, at best, average and perhaps even less. However, as for qualities that really matter – those of the heart (1 Sam.16:7) – Jesus was nothing short of exquisite.…

In My Sorrow – John Haffner

Feeling sorrow demonstrates not just our emotional capacity but also where we place significance—our tears show our hearts. The Bible reveals many intensely sad and trying moments Jesus faced. Even long before the incarnation, our Lord was prophesied to be a “Man of sorrows” (Isa. 53:3). If we were in His position, we would no doubt find many occasions to cry over our difficult circumstances. However, when the Bible describes Him weeping, Jesus most often shed His tears for others.…

In My Teaching and Preaching – Ronnie Scherffius

Some of the most incredible words to pass from the lips of man were spoken by one who came to Jesus by night, “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God” (John 3:2). Jesus was not simply “a teacher come from God.” He was the Master Teacher. When Jesus preached, “the people were astonished at his doctrine.” When Jesus preached, He taught “as one having authority,” not simply as a scribe (Matt. 7:28, 29). When Jesus preached,…

In My Anger

It may seem strange to include Jesus and anger in the same sentence, much less an entire article dedicated to learning something about His anger. But perhaps our squeamishness at the idea of Jesus being angry is due to our tendency to view Him through a modern lens. When we think about anger in our culture, we usually think about someone who is out of control, who launches into a fit of rage. Cursing, being destructive, and seeking vengeance are…

From the Director’s Desk (November 2024) – Trent Kennedy

Preachers, do you ever find yourself having the congregation turn to the same book or passages over and over again? Do the same four or five Scriptures always seem to be part of your sermons, week in and week out? Is this type of preaching keeping you and your audience from growing? I think many of us revert back to our “comfort Scriptures” that we have memorized, preached, and know so well. However, when we carefully examine our preaching, it…