Christian Worker (Page 24)

Christian Worker (Page 24)

I Have Found a Friend in Jesus – Cody Westbrook

With Song of Solomon 2:1 in mind, hymn writer Charles Fry penned the song “The Lilly of the Valley” in 1881. Seeking to describe the intimacy that exists between the Savior and His disciples, the song begins with the words “I have found a friend in Jesus.” Friendship in the ancient world was a reciprocal relationship built upon loyalty, trust, affection, and service (2 Sam. 16:16-17; Pro. 18:24; 1 Sam. 18:1-4; Phil. 4:1). Such a relationship exists between people, but…

Lessons in Faith – Ronnie Scherffius

When studying the gospel records we often discover multiple accounts of teachings and events in the life of Christ. One would expect to observe a repetition of Jesus’ betrayal (Matt. 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-52; John 18:1-11), His trials before the Hebrews (Matt. 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-65; Luke 22:54-71; John 18:12-27) and Romans (Matt. 27:1-25; Mark 15:1-14; Luke 23:1-26; John 18:28-40), His suffering and crucifixion (Matt. 27:26-66; Mark 15:15-47; Luke 23:27-56; John 19:1-42), as well as His resurrection and ascension (Matt.…

God Among the Nations – Steven Lloyd

A theme that is repeated in the books of Kings, some of the Psalms, and in some of the prophets is the justice and righteousness of God. These are described as being the foundation of God’s throne. Because our Lord is considered infinite in these qualities, He cannot, with a wave of the hand, dismiss unjust behavior from His own people. When Israel went astray after other gods, the Lord chastised them. On a broader scale, the Lord would use…

The Friend of God – Bill Burk

Man was created for community. All of us need good friends whom we may trust and count on. Probably each one of us can see in his mind’s eye someone whose friendship you hold near and dear. The Bible says “a friend loves at all times but a brother is born for adversity” (Pro. 17:17). If there is any being about whom we can truly say He loves us at all times in both good times and bad it would…

Unless the Lord Builds the House… – Cody Westbrook

The Latin motto Nisi Dominus Frusta has adorned the coat of arms of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland since 1647. The meaning is “Without the Lord, frustration,” and it is taken from the first line of Psalm 127:1– “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” The sentiment accurately portrays the outcome of one who seeks to navigate this life apart from his Creator. The emphasis of this Psalm, however, is not on the individual…

Deadly Desires – John Haffner

When Peter wrote to Christians scattered and suffering persecution, he impressed upon them the importance of continuing to desire the word of God. He noted its purity and called on the church to long for its truth as newborns desire milk (1 Pet. 2:2). Peter followed up on the command with good reasoning. Christians should know the value of seeking God’s word because they have experienced the Lord’s gracious provision (1 Pet. 2:3). Everything we need is supplied by our…

“In the World, Not of the World” – Andy Baker

The fundamental question of Christianity can be boiled down to this: Do I belong to God and serve Him faithfully or do I belong to the world and serve its lusts faithfully? It is not in dispute that a person cannot serve both (Matt. 6:24), but many in the religious world and even in the church look more like the world and its lusts than we care to admit. Is there a stark contrast between Christians who are “chosen out…

A Study of Wine – Tom Genduso

Alcoholism is the number one drug problem in the U.S. today with over 14 million people suffering from some form of Alcohol Use disorder. Given this fact, it is important that we have a clear understanding of what scripture says on the topic of wine, and specifically alcoholic wine. However first let us define some terms and indulge in a brief history lesson. In regard to wine and winemaking in the times of the Bible, there is a common misconception…

The Synonyms of Scripture – Cody Westbrook

Each time you pick up your Bible, you hold within your hands something far more powerful than a nuclear weapon (Heb. 4:12), something far more valuable than the rarest diamond (Ps. 119:72), and something far more enduring than the best constructed building (1 Pet. 1:25). God’s Word is a blessing which we should value greatly. It commands our utmost adoration and respect. Such an attitude is vividly on display in the 119th Psalm. Psalm 119 is a treasure chest of…

Loving the Truth Enough to Care – Bill Jackson

Paul tells us that some men are to perish because they love not the truth (2 Thess. 2:10). Since men are saved by the truth and the purifying process of truth (1 Pet. 1:22), these indeed will perish. One with no desire for truth will most certainly not be open to truth, and thus will not learn or obey truth. We in the kingdom of Christ have obeyed the truth and are in constant obedience to it. Loving truth means…

Leaders are Made at Home – Trent Kennedy

Imagine the sad state of the local congregation if an aged eldership were to look out at the flock and see only men who were in need of training instead of men trained, only men who could stomach milk and none to chew on solid food, only men who should be taught instead of those who by reason of time had become teachers themselves. Such an eldership would have to concede that not a man of their congregation would be…

Why Marriages Fail – Johnny Ramsey

God ordained marriage in the second chapter of the first book of the Bible. He knew it “it is not good for man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). What Jehovah joined together (husband and wife), man should not “put asunder” (Matt. 19:6). But, in the past thirty years — in America alone — we have the sad statistic of over a million divorces a year. In many towns and states, about 50 percent of all marriages begun have resulted in…