Dear brothers and sisters, words cannot fully express how thrilled Shelby and I are to work with this wonderful congregation. It is our goal to work alongside you as we all strive to imitate our Lord Jesus and diligently follow that great commission He gave His followers all those years ago (Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15). When Jesus came to this earth, He came with a divine mission from His Father. When an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, he so simply revealed the mission of Christ: “…you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21, NASB 95). Our Savior was the perfect soul winner. He saved souls while He was on this earth (Matthew 9:2), and He made salvation available to all when He died and rose again (Romans 1:16; Romans 6:3-7). Throughout His life, Jesus was seeking and saving those who were lost (Luke 19:10). Brethren, our mission and commission is no different. We are to seek the lost and point sinners to salvation by teaching them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May the words and example of Jesus cause us to reflect and refocus on our evangelistic efforts. There is much work to be done, and I know we are all up for the task. Shelby and I love you very much. With that being said… let’s get to work!
– Bryce Mayfield