Greater than Gold

Greater than Gold

The 19th Psalm is one of the most memorable in the Psalter. The first 6 verses magnificently describe the general revelation of God in nature. It calls us to behold and stand in awe of the creative genius of Jehovah as we see His fingerprints all around us. But the God who created has also commanded, and this theme is taken up in the next portion of the Psalm (vss. 7-11).

Note how God’s Word is described (vss. 7-9). The law of the Lord is perfect, meaning it is flawless and without moral defect, and when properly applied, produces conversion. His testimony is sure, meaning it is firm, faithful, and trustworthy, and it is the source of wisdom (cf. Pro. 2:6). God statutes are right, meaning they are morally upright, and produce great joy. His commandment is pure, which references radiance, or light that enables us to walk without stumbling. The fear of the Lord that results from understanding and applying His Word is clean, enduring forever, meaning it is pure and not subject to decay. God’s judgments are completely dependable and always right!

The Word of God is the greatest treasure imaginable and therefore we should desire it immensely (v. 10). Gold was the ultimate material wealth and pure honey was the sweetest delicacy the ancient world had to offer. The blessings of God’s Word are better than anything this world has to offer and should occupy the desire of God’s people. How great is your longing for God’s Word?

Note carefully how God’s Word benefits the lives of those who desire it (v. 11). First, “by them Your servant is warned.” Scripture describes the dangers and the folly of sin. God gives us the direction we need in order to avoid it. Second, “in keeping them there is great reward.” A life guided by the direction of God’s Word is one that will enjoy great blessing in this life and into eternity.

True Love