Welcome Bryce and Shelby Mayfield!

Welcome Bryce and Shelby Mayfield!

We are blessed to welcome Bryce and Shelby Mayfield to the family of God here at Southwest. They are both 2024 graduates of the Southwest School of Bible Studies and were married in October of 2024. They come to us from the Canyon Lake congregation where Bryce preached for just under a year.

Bryce will serve as the associate minister for the Southwest congregation. He will be the primary coordinator of our evangelism program and will work with the youth and young families of the congregation. He will also be busy teaching bible classes, preaching, writing, and helping in many other ways.

Together, Bryce and Shelby make a wonderful team and will be an invaluable asset to this congregation. They both love the Lord, and His church. They have a Servant’s heart and a passion for soul winning. We thank God for them and look forward to working with them. Let’s welcome them, encourage them, and pray for them as they begin their work here.