Posts by Christian Worker (Page 11)

Posts by Christian Worker (Page 11)

Reconciliation – Richard D. Melson

The term about which I have been assigned to write is reconciliation. This is a wonderful word in the Scriptures–full of rich meaning and value. The term is used when there is a breach in the relationship between two men as in Matthew 5:24, or a husband and wife as used in 1 Corinthians 7:11, regarding which Wayne Jackson comments: “If one finds it absolutely imperative to become separated from a spouse (where no sexual infidelity has been involved), he…

Propitiation – Joey Davis

Every precious soul enters this world innocent of sin. Sin is the violation of God’s Will by those who are capable of understanding (1 John 3:4). The words of Ezekiel to the king of Tyre ring true, “you were all perfect in our ways from the day we were created, till iniquity was found in you” (Eze. 28:15). Isaiah spoke of a period of innocence, “For before the Child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good…” (Isa.…

Redemption – Randy Robinson

The late, great Curtis Cates once described redemption as “the center and circumference of the Bible.” Indeed the entire Bible revolves around what we often refer to as the “scheme of redemption.” While the English word, “scheme,” often denotes something nefarious, it is simply synonymous with the word “plan.” When the first man and woman sinned in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit, God gave them a glimpse into His plan for redemption (Gen. 3:15). However, subsequent…

Forgiveness – Michael Light

The more we read and study the Bible the more we should be impressed with it. There are many different teaching methods employed; narratives of the lives of men and women (some presented as examples of correct living; others as ow not to live); direct statements – “thou shalt” and thou shalt not” instructions; parables, poetry and prophetic material.  Texts can be studied in a host of ways; the immediate context, remote context and over all biblical context. Even the…

The Doctrine of Christ – William Woodson

Of interest within its own right, and in view of ongoing discussions of importance among our people, is the determination of what is meant by the statement, “the doctrine of Christ,” as given in 2 John 9. As remarkable as it may seem, there is difficulty and uncertainty in the minds of some as to the meaning of this expression. The following is offered as worthy of consideration in determining its meaning. There is a significant combination of statements about…

Bible-Toting Christians – Kerry Clark

I don’t know if you are familiar with the history of the Pony Express. The Pony Express ran from Saint Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California. That is a distance of 1966 miles. The trip was made in around ten days. The fastest trip ever made was seven days and 17 hours and the rider was carrying Lincoln’s Inaugural Address. Forty men were normally used to make the trip. The Express had 500 of the best horses money could buy.…

A Jealous God? – John Haffner

In the workplace, an employee who is jealous of his coworker’s promotion is not a good example. Within a family, a woman who is jealous of her brother’s new car would not be praised for it. Among married couples, a jealous husband who distrusts his wife and tracks her every action is not behaving righteously. The word “jealous” seems to be universally regarded as a negative trait. Why then does the Bible so frequently describe the God of Heaven as…

Attitudes Toward Our Brethren – Ronnie Scherffius

The word unity is found only three times in only two books of Scripture. David wrote ,“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Ps. 133:1). As much as it is good for brethren to be one, God provided those things necessary that brethren might “come in the unity of the faith” (Eph. 4:13) and by His inspired apostles both admonished and instructed how we might maintain unity: “I therefore, the prisoner of…

The Message People Need – Kevin W. Rhodes

People choose churches for a lot of very peculiar reasons. Some judge a church by the friendliness of the people. Others judge a church by the size and beauty of the building. You would think more people would judge a church by the message that church represents and the message they hear when they go there. Of course, I guess in some cases they do. They go to hear a message that suits them, tells them they are all right,…

A New Song – John Haffner

Together with the many images presented in Revelation, we see songs of praise detailing the power of Jesus, the Lamb of God (Rev. 5:9; 14:3; 15:3-4). Such songs have always accompanied the salvation which God brings to His people (Ex. 15:1-21; Judges 5:1-31). The term “new song” is used multiple times in the Psalms, especially in relation to a time of deliverance (Ps. 33:3; 40:1-3; 96:1; 144:9-11; 149:1). Each fresh victory called for a song adapted to the occasion. Isaiah…

New Heavens and a New Earth – Allen Webster

At the invitation of the City of Jacksonville, Alabama, I led the invocation at a city council meeting. It was both enlightening and encouraging to see the wisdom and plans of the mayor and council members. They discussed such future decisions as where to build city fire and police departments and their training/correctional facilities, how to enforce community ordinances regarding noise and rental properties, city finance and senior citizen activities, and the promotion of city employees. They listened to citizen…

A New Creation – Troy Spradlin

When someone rises out of the precious waters of baptism, is there something different about them? Based solely upon appearance, no changes are discernible. Yet, from a spiritual perspective, everything about them has changed! We know this because the Bible reveals that a remarkable transformation has taken place. It describes the conversion with some rather peculiar verbiage. For example, when a penitent believer is immersed into water, they are said to have “died and been buried” (Rom. 6:1-4). It is…