Posts by Christian Worker (Page 16)

Posts by Christian Worker (Page 16)

The cross on the hill, Jesus Christ from the Bible. Easter, Religion. Salvation of sins, sacrifice

There is Still Power in the Blood – B.J. Clarke

Introduction The well-known hymn declares, “There is power, power, wonder-working power, in the blood of the Lamb.” As we study the New Testament, we identify numerous benefits of the blood of Christ.  It has reconciling power. The Gentile Ephesians were at one time “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise” (Eph. 2:12), but they were “made nigh by the blood of Christ” (2:13); they were reconciled unto God by the cross (2:16). Even “when…
The Bible

Is the Gospel Still Relevant Today? – Trent Kennedy

For the past two years there has been one unread text message on my phone. It is from August 7, 2018. My brother in Christ, Brandon, sent a message that simply says “Thanks!”. I met Brandon just a few days before that. He had met a Christian businessman in central Texas who moved out to San Angelo. After finding some online resources and studying for himself, Brandon reached out to his friend who reached out to me. Brandon was a…
Hands of five businessman holding wooden blocks placing them int

We Can Never Leave the Fundamentals – Wendell Winkler

A builder will lay a good foundation, and then build his superstructure. However, when the building is completed, he does not remove the foundation. If anything, he will strengthen it. In like manner, in the field of mathematics, the student may study algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus; but he never forsakes the fundamentals of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Similarly, in studying our Bibles, we must “go on unto perfection” (Heb. 6;1). But, we must never forsake or depreciate the basic…
Walking alone in the Highlands

What is Your Life? – Steve Lloyd

This article attempts to answer the question “What would we know about our origin and the purpose for our lives without the Old Testament?” That is a great question! In this article, we will explore life’s “big questions” as they relate to the Old Testament.  First of all, let’s take a look at what is meant by “big questions.” Most writers agree that the “big questions” include the following: Who am I? Why am I here? What went wrong? What…
Thoughtful handsome pensive young man studying at class or living room, reading a book

“Prove All Things; Hold Fast That Which Is Good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) – Don Walker

The title of this article is a direct quote of the apostle Paul as it is found in the KJV. As is the case with every passage we study we do well to consider the passage in context. The two verses prior to this one set the context in the area of the miraculous gifts and specifically the giving of God’s revelation. Paul wrote, “Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesying” (1 Thess. 5:19, 20). It is essential that we…
Opening old book

The Character of God in the Old Testament – Clay Bond

Eternal, good, gracious, loving, merciful, wise, holy, immutable, just, righteous, sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent are just a few of the attributes of God. When we speak of God’s attributes we are talking about those characteristics that help us understand who God truly is.  It is noteworthy that those biblical characters who were greatly used by God had a burning desire to know Him. David said,  One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that…
Young student in coworking

An Ideal Student – Carl B. Garner

Someone has said that if you put the world’s best teacher in a room with the world’s worst students, very little learning would take place. I don’t know if that is true, but I do know that a willing and capable pupil is necessary to the process of learning. For years we have known that you cannot stop a determined student from learning. The necessity of a capable teacher is not denied, but there is also the need for a…
Adhesive note with Thanks text on a bulletin board

…And Be Ye Thankful – Bill Jackson

Someone told of the fine old brother who always began his prayer with, “Father, we thank Thee for this fine day!” He would thus pray in a flood, or when the sun was oppressively hot or when the snow was four-foot deep. It was always, “Father, we thank Thee for this fine day!” And then one day the rains came, and came and came. Each day was cloudy and dark, and it went on and on. People became depressed, out-of-sorts…
Bible and praying hands

The Importance of Prayer – Troy Spradlin 

So, how is your prayer life? Do you pray as often as you should? Prayer is and should be an essential part of a Christian’s life. Our Savior, Jesus, was a man of prayer (Matthew 14:23, 26:36-44; Mark 1:35; John 17:2-24). This implies that we must ask ourselves, “If prayer was so important to our Lord, why should it be less important to me? “We should infer that every disciple of His ought to learn how to pray correctly and…
Wedding rings and heart shaped shadow over Bible

Wendell and Betty Winkler’s Advice on Marriage – Neal Pollard

Several years ago, I asked the Winklers to pass along advice for married couples on how to have a successful, happy marriage. They were very kind to comply and I have the material, in brother Winkler’s easily distinguishable hand-writing, in my files. Their suggestions were broken into two categories, the first being positive things couples can do for their marriages and the latter being habits, actions, and attitudes that hurt a marriage. Here are the answers from a couple who…
Hands in hands close up

Encouragement – Johnny Ramsey 

When we sincerely search the sacred text, we can find myriads of reasons to hold to our Creator’s unchanging hand. Everyone needs encouragement. In this wicked world finding the joy and happiness we all cherish is never easy. But the very God who made us has revealed in the Scriptures many reasons for Christians to find calm in the midst of stormy surroundings. In Joshua 1:7, Jehovah promised to bless Joshua’s future days with boundless benefits if that valiant leader…
Wooden gavel in a courtroom

Are We Prepared for the Judgement Day? – Don Walker

In Hebrews 9:27, the inspired writer reminded us “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Biblically speaking, it is no secret that the last great prophecy to be fulfilled is the return of our Saviour Jesus Christ and our standing before the Great Sovereign, our God, in judgment. For the righteous, the events of that day are set on display in First Thessalonians 4:13-18. The same is true for the wicked in…