Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 7)
A Dying Church Tolerates Sin
Sin is uncomfortable, or at least it should be. For those who strive to be holy (cf. 1 Pet. 1:16), even the smallest blemish should be bothersome to the point of compelling us to address it. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, especially when the sin involves other members of the congregation. For a number of reasons we try to marginalize or ignore the problem, hoping it will work itself out. But, like ignoring early symptoms of a major…
A Dying Church Leaves its First Love
How sad it is that so many congregations of the Lord’s people are dying. Sadder still, that much of it could be prevented. Major health problems often advertise their presence through minor symptoms. Doctors recommend routine health screenings to look for signs of trouble. In many cases, if symptoms can be identified early then steps can be taken to prevent any major problems. The health of the church operates in the same fashion. By looking closely at symptoms, one can…
A team of Swiss scientists recently reported a medical breakthrough that could potentially change lives throughout the world. The research group NeuroRestore has identified nerve groups impacted by paralysis and discovered a way to stimulate them back to life in order to restore the ability to walk. Early results are promising and it may be that their treatment plan soon finds its way to rehabilitation centers and hospitals all over the world. Walking is a basic human function which we…
A Healthy Church is Rich where it Matters
Annual health screenings are vital to maintaining good health. Regular oil changes are necessary to keep a vehicle in good running order. Cleaning and maintenance play a large role in the longevity of a home. So many things in life cannot function properly without periodic evaluation to ensure proper operation. The same is true with individual and congregational spiritual health. Like a doctor runs tests to examine data indicating an individual’s level of health, so God’s Word furnishes us with…
A Healthy Church is Faithful Through Persecution
A study of the seven churches in Asia Minor is, in many ways, like looking into a mirror. Every congregation of God’s people has strengths and weaknesses. There will always be victories and defeats, methods to reconsider, practices to be improved, and work to be done. There is no perfect congregation. The same could be said about those ancient congregations. A complete picture reveals strengths and weaknesses, reasons for commendation and reasons for condemnation. One noteworthy area of commendation is…
It may be called, perhaps, the “Divine dilemma.” Jehovah is absolute in His holiness and therefore can have nothing to do with sin (Hab. 1:13). Sin, in fact, stands as a barrier between God and man (Isa. 59:1-2). It is a violation of God’s law (1 John 3:4) and, because God is absolute in His justice as well as His holiness, He must punish it (Rom. 3:23). And yet, this is not His desire. He “is not willing that any…
A Healthy Church Opposes Sin
Each February the medical community celebrates national heart health month. It is a time to raise awareness for heart disease and to encourage individuals to exercise, eat well, and do everything they can to promote good cardiac health. Regular health screenings are always a good idea for those who want a healthy heart and body. Spiritually, the same principle applies. Individual and congregational spiritual health should be our priority and it is good, from time to time, to allow God’s…
Arise and Overcome!
Satan’s attacks are relentless–present in every area of our society. Therefore, Christians must constantly engage in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of humanity, and the salvation of souls. We must arise and meet the challenges of the day with faith and conviction, knowing that victory belongs to our God. For this reason, the Southwest Eldership decided to create an annual event that would help promote spiritual growth for every member of the body of Christ. The Arise!…
The Greatest Compliment Ever Given
Recent studies have shown that taking the time to offer a simple compliment has a great impact on the mood and emotional well-being of both the giver and the receiver. No one should really be surprised by that information. Solomon said long ago “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Pro. 25:11). “The tongue of the wise is health” (Pro. 12:18). Everyone appreciates a good compliment from time to time. Far greater than a…
A Healthy Church is Opportunistic
As we look to our own congregational health, we would do well to consider what Jesus said to the 7 churches in Asia Minor. Those ancient congregations mirror our own in many ways. Their struggles we’re similar, their strengths and weaknesses were similar, their needs were similar, and their work was similar. One positive characteristic discussed is the ability to see and take advantages of opportunities when they are presented. To the church in Philadelphia Jesus said, “See, I have…
A Healthy Church is Hardworking
Annual health screenings are vital to maintaining good health. Regular oil changes are necessary to keep a vehicle in good running order. Cleaning and maintenance play a large role in the longevity of a home. So many things in life cannot function properly without periodic evaluation to ensure proper operation. The same is true with individual and congregational spiritual health. Like a doctor runs tests to examine data indicating an individual’s level of health, so God’s Word furnishes us with…
New Every Morning
Thomas Chisolm was born in Franklin, Kentucky on July 29, 1866. At 16 he became a teacher and editor of a local newspaper. Poor health would force him to move and change jobs several times over the years. It also caused him to struggle financially. He was, however, a talented writer and wrote some 1,200 poems. In 1925 he wrote “Great is thy faithfulness.” There was no single event that prompted him to write it. He simply reflected upon the…