Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 9)
Put to Death . . .
Christianity is a counter-cultural and transformative religion. The gospel changes hearts (2 Cor. 10:5) and transforms us into the image of Jesus (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:17-18). We pattern our thoughts, our words, and our actions after His will and example. This places us in a position of contrast in this world. We “walk as children of light” (Eph. 5:8) in the midst of great darkness. We raise our children differently. We treat our spouses differently. Our priorities and everything…
A Most Memorable Camp Session
For more than 50 years the Southwest congregation has conducted a summer Bible camp session at Camp Hensel. This year must be one of the most memorable. In keeping with our congregational evangelism emphasis, our camp theme was “I want to be a soul winner!” We emphasized evangelism in our Bible classes, devotionals, and evening worship periods. The result was 25 baptisms during the week and more have followed since then. It was amazing to watch the power of the…
The Power of the Written Word
Friedrich Nietzsche said, “All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.” Unquestionably, Nietzsche understood the power of the written word to influence minds and bring about change. He recognized that words written live on long after the death of the author and produce fruit for generations to come. The problem is that Nietzsche used his pen for evil, and along with so many like him, his…
Do I Ever Need to Stop Studying?
Bible study is a topic which cannot be overemphasized because the blessings found in a deeper knowledge of God’s Word are innumerable (cf. Col. 1:9-11; 2 Pet. 1:3; etc.). Yet the temptation may arise for a person to think he or she has reached a point in life in which no more study is needed. Is that true? Does a person ever reach the top of the “Biblical mountain?” Do I ever need to stop studying God’s Word? To ask…
So Walk in Him
The world is full of ideas and individuals seeking to deceive us. The Colossian saints were under attack by doctrines which undermined what they knew to be true about Christ. Every generation of Christians faces similar threats. The Devil excels in finding new ways to trap his prey and thus we must be on constant alert (1 Pet. 5:8). The best defense is a good offense. To successfully guard ourselves against what is false, we must be intent on knowing…
A Supreme Decision
Yesterday, May 2, 2022, news broke that the Supreme Court may overturn the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. Though the Court’s final verdict has not yet been announced, the political machine has kicked into high gear churning out narratives and talking points attempting to convince us to think emotionally and incorrectly about abortion in general, and the decision of the Court in particular. But, the politicizing, gaslighting, and nonsensical debating on Twitter and cable news is simply noise to distract…
Redeeming the Time
Today the average American lives 78.8 years. That averages out to approximately 945 months, 4,111 weeks, 28,781 days, or 690,746 hours. On the surface that certainly seems to be a long, long time. But, really it is not. Ask someone who has lived for 80 years how quickly their life has progressed and it is almost guaranteed they will say that is has absolutely flown by! The Bible says the same. “Man that is born of a woman is of…
The Book of Colossians
The greatest crime ever perpetrated on humanity began in the garden and continues to this day. When Satan approached Eve in the garden, he did so with one purpose–the abduction of her heart. The devil is not sovereign, and thus he cannot force his will upon anyone. He is a master of deception and thrives upon his ability to bamboozle and con humanity into believing his lies. If he can kidnap our minds and steal our loyalty, then he has…
Stay Grounded
One of life’s most difficult challenges, is dealing with difficult challenges. How do we cope with tragedy, cancer, war, or dozens of other issues we encounter in life? The painful reality is that many of life’s challenges are simply beyond our control. Neither you nor I have any bearing on the ultimate outcome of the war in Ukraine. We cannot dictate economic policy in Washington, and we cannot prevent a fatality accident caused by a drunk driver. As much as…
How to Handle Controversy
The first recorded controversy of the early church is found in Acts 3. After healing the lame man on Solomon’s Porch, Peter preached the gospel to the crowd that had gathered and many obeyed. Unsurprisingly, the event caught the attention of the Jewish leaders, who arrested Peter and John. How did the church react to this challenge? Acts 4:23-31 tells us that they prayed. They prayed together (v. 24a). Peter and John “went to their own companions” and they “raised…
A Wise Man Will Hear…
What does it mean to be wise? Who is a wise man? History’s pages are filled with the lives of those to whom we may point in an attempt to answer those questions. But no man, regardless of how wise he may be, could ever rival the wisdom of Solomon. Jehovah gave Solomon a “wise and understanding heart” unlike any before or after him (1 Kings 3:12). It seems fitting, then, that if one wants to know the true character…
Arise and Evangelize!
The need for soul-winners has never been greater. Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest” (Matt. 9:37-38). The 6th annual Arise! Spiritual Growth Workshop was designed to help us answer that call. Every lesson approached evangelism from a different perspective and challenged us to arise and gather the harvest. We now seek to apply the lessons learned so that we may…