Christian Worker

Christian Worker

From the Director’s Desk (February 2025) – Trent Kennedy

Music in the worship of the New Testament church is integral, beautiful, and unifying. When Christians join together as a congregation to sing words of praise and admonition with only our hearts and voices, God is glorified, and His people are greatly encouraged (cf. Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). In order for our assemblies to unite in song, there should be a song leader (cf. 1 Cor. 14:26). Good song leaders make for great song services. When I was a student…

The Greatest Giver (Jas. 1:16-18) – Ross Haffner

I have been blessed to receive many wonderful gifts from friends and family members. But sometimes the gifts we receive are not useful, good for us, or right for us at the moment, though perhaps it once was. The Hebrews writer made an interesting connection between God and our human fathers when he wrote, “God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?” (Heb. 12:7). In Luke 11:11 Jesus asked, “If…

Overcoming Temptation (Jas. 1:12-15) – Troy Spradlin

An important practice for lion tamers is to train big cats without relying solely on food. Overusing treats can create a dangerous expectation, as the lion may anticipate food at all times. Eliminating such temptation for the lion reduces the possibility of serious consequences, such as the lion tamer getting himself killed! This illustration highlights a valuable spiritual lesson for Christians. If we remove temptation in our own lives, it can help us avoid the consequences that often follow. Temptation…

Wealth and Poverty (Jas. 1:9-11) – John Haffner

In the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Agur the son of Jakeh said, “Give me neither poverty nor riches” (Pro. 30:8). The various sufferings that accompany the poor are obvious, but what’s the danger of being wealthy? It seems Agur understood man’s tendency to turn blessings into a curse. Too many have seen the generosity of God in their life but have attributed it to their own genius and strength. Forgetting their Creator, they choose to place their trust…

The Way of Wisdom (Jas. 1:5-8) – Kevin Cauley

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways (Jas. 1:5-8). There is…

The Joy of a Trial (Jas. 1:2-4) – Andy Baker

You’re going to go for a doctor’s appointment next week and he’s going to tell you that you have irregular test results that might indicate cancer. You’re going to get in your car tomorrow morning, late for work, and the battery is going to be dead. Your sink will begin to drip, and it will keep you awake all night long. You’re going to get a headache behind your eye that will last for the rest of the day. Who’s…

The “Proverbs” of the New Testament

The Book of James has been called “The Proverbs of the New Testament” because of its highly practical nature. Within it you will not find a detailed theological dealing with justification or God’s eternal purpose, but you will find an exposition of God’s will on a number of subjects and challenges which confront Christians the world over, on a daily basis. How do we handle trials? How do we control our tongues? How should we view wealth? How should we…

Our God, He is Alive (Jeremiah 10:10)

In the 1960’s, there appeared to be a major moral decline in this country. Supreme Court rulings in the Engel v. Vitale (1962) and the Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) cases paved the way for more removal of prayer and Bible out of our public school systems. Books like The Death of God (Vahanian, 1961) and Radical Theology and the Death of God (Altizer, 1963) were published and became very popular. What seemed to be the lowest valley of…

We Become What We Hate

The Irish philosopher, George William Russell, once said “By intensity of hatred nations create in themselves the characters they imagine in their enemies.” He recognized the ironic tendency in nations to adopt, over time, the characteristics of their adversaries which they focused all their energy on avoiding. Interestingly, that phenomenon often proves true in individuals as well. One who consumes himself with the determination to not become like his parent will often, unintentionally, become like that parent. Why is that?…

From the Director’s Desk (January 2025) – Trent Kennedy

The Southwest church of Christ will host its annual Arise! Workshop February 27 – March 2, 2025. This workshop will have something for everyone, and you will benefit from attending. In addition to the great lessons and quality hospitality, Arise! affords an opportunity to get more involved with Southwest School of Bible Studies. Alumni: If you are a SWSBS alumni, you can expect to see many familiar faces. Members of SW, classmates, old friends, and teachers will all be at…

Our Pursuit of Holiness – Adam Orr

It was after hearing a sermon from 1 Peter 1:16 (Be holy, for I am holy) that William Longstaff sat down and wrote the words to the popular hymn, “Take Time to be Holy.” Perhaps the best advice anyone can offer in the year 2025 is simply – take time to be holy. The writer of Hebrews reminds us of its importance, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord,” (Heb. 12:14). Is…

Our Love for Our Neighbor – Alex Simmons

Just as it is the case every January, the new year brings many resolutions. Another year has passed and because of the new opportunity set before us, it is time to make some changes. More than likely we have all been there before. As January 1st approaches, we resolve in our minds that there are gym memberships to buy, there are diets to apply, and there are hobbies we want to try. There is something about the new year that…