Christian Worker (Page 23)

Christian Worker (Page 23)

Wedding rings

The Bible Speaks to Husbands – Jeff Sweeten

The struggle in our society to deal with changing roles in marriage should be lain squarely at the feet of husbands. The failure to live according to the Divine paradigm has produced a host of single moms, a generation of delinquent children, and a public willing to pass off every conceivable perversion as a “marriage.” If we are to reclaim a sense of godliness in design for a partnership that began in the Garden, men must step up to their…
Business needs to hire new employees so they put out a help wanted sign

Help Wanted!

From coast to coast throughout our nation hang signs from the doors and windows of businesses reading “help wanted.” A vast labor shortage exists in our country and businesses of every kind and size are struggling to manage. The culprit behind this phenomenon is COVID-19 and its gargantuan ripple effects. Some are still afraid to leave their homes and go back to work, lest they catch the virus. Others have seen their industries crumble or their previous employer shutdown. But…
Extremely depressed, crying and distraught person

Why Did Jesus Weep? – Ronnie Scherffius

One of the most well-known verses, and the shortest in our English Bibles, is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). How incredible that the gospel which most forcefully expresses Jesus’ deity (cf. 1:1-3, 14; 5:17-18; et al), also, in such a simple way beautifully portrays the depth of His humanity! But have you ever pondered upon the thought of “why” did Jesus weep? At first this may seem to be a nonsensical question, for the context of the statement is the death…
Little boy on his father's knee while his dad reads Scripture

Being About Our Father’s Business – Mike Batot

In Luke 2:41-50 we are told of the time “the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem” (Luke 2:43) after the Feast of the Passover. Once His family realized He was not with them on their return journey home, they returned to Jerusalem to find Him. Three days later, He was found in the temple, listening and asking questions of the teachers. His mother questioned Him concerning His decision to stay behind and He told her in verse 49:  “Why did…
Question mark neon sign

Endless Hypotheticals – Troy Spradlin

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to discuss various points and particulars about God, Jesus, the Bible, baptism, faith, and other spiritual topics with many people, from all walks of life. In a large portion of those opportunities, a rather interesting pattern emerged – a hypothetical scenario was introduced into the dialogue, at one point or another. Sometimes they were presented as questions and other times as arguments against a certain topic. Still, at other times, it seems they…
Antique parchment paper sheets lit by candlelight

Outdated Preaching – Trent Kennedy

Born to a priestly family, set apart from birth, sent with the spirit and power of Elijah, and called the greatest among women, John the Immerser was a man among men. He was part prophet, part trailblazer, John was all preacher. The gospel account of Luke records more of the content of John’s preaching and specifics of his ministry than Matthew or Mark (Luke 3:1-21). When the word of the Lord came to John (Luke 3:2), like with other prophets,…
Angry Lion Portrait

The Lion who is a Lamb – Tom Moore

One of the most exciting and informative ways to study the attributes of Christ is by giving close attention to the various figurative descriptions of our Lord set forth in holy Writ. For example, the Son of God, our Messiah, is called: Bread (John 6:35), Judge (2 Tim. 4:8), Shepherd (John 10:14), Passover (1 Cor. 5:7), Vine (John 15:1), Light (John 1:7), Way – Truth – Life (John 14:6), Door (John 10:9), Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8), and Word (John…
Back to school

On Yearbooks and Modesty

Recently a Florida high school caused quite a stir when the yearbook coordinator digitally edited 80 yearbook photos. The edited photos were only of females and were altered to add more clothing to chests and shoulders. The School District’s chief of Community Relations reported “The yearbook coordinator made the decision to edit the photos based on her assessment that the females were not in dress code.”  Many students and parents were appalled that the changes were made without their knowledge…
Bible on church pulpit, with light coming through the front doors

The Privilege of Preaching – Allen Webster

The most important event that takes place in any city on any day this week is the work the Gospel preacher does. And this includes New York, Hollywood, and Washington. Work done in New York may affect world finances or fashion; workers in Hollywood may produce new entertainment which will be enjoyed by millions, and decisions made in Washington may change the world for better or worse, but what the Gospel preacher does will matter when the world is on…

The Age of the Troll – Patrick Hammack

The internet is a remarkable thing. Now, I know that in the darker corners of the online world there are things that are unsavory to those professing Christ. But, all in all, the internet has made an undeniable and beneficial mark on our lives. Unless you want to set out for open wilderness, there are very few places that you can go and very few things you can do where the internet isn’t somehow involved, either directly or indirectly. Just…

From Garbage to Goodness – Justin Guess

Last month a cyclist was riding from Portland to Corpus Christi across the bay bridge. For an unknown reason, the man veered diagonally across two lanes of traffic, running into the wall. As he the collision happened, the man flipped over the barrier and fell about 30 feet down into the four foot water below. A couple following not too far behind witnessed the accident and pulled over immediately to render aid. A 60 year old man got out of…

Biblical Balance Ends With Attitudes – Ross Haffner

So much controversy, so much conflict! To answer the division present in the Lord’s church today, many are calling for Biblical balance. I am sure some who are asking for balance actually mean, “There should be less preaching that expects me to change and more preaching that makes me feel good.” Others mean, “Let’s change the truth slightly so that it’s easier to digest.” Neither of these positions should be supported because they show a lack of concern for God’s…