Christian Worker (Page 9)
From the Director’s desk (December 2023) – Trent Kennedy
Jesus trained his apostles. Moses trained Joshua. Elijah trained Elisha. The list could go on, but the Bible is clear that the task of training men to lead, to preach, and to minister is an important one (2 Timothy 2:2). The primary training ground for leadership is the home, but the church has a great role to play in furthering this cause. It is our belief that the Southwest School of Bible Studies can help local congregations in this endeavor.…
“And When He Gave Thanks….” – Justin Gonzalez
Jesus the Christ is the supreme example that all men should follow. Paul said “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). Paul understood that Christ is the example to be followed in all things. John writes that the Christian should abide in Him and “walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6). When looking to Jesus for our example, in order to do as He did and live as He lived, we see His use of…
“Justified in the Spirit” – Trent Kennedy
Jesus Christ is exhorted in First Timothy as our hope (1:1), our Lord (1:2), as the epitome of grace, faith, and love (1:14), our Savior (1:15), our mediator (2:5), and the one who will come again (6:14). This epistle and the New Testament certainly proves that He is worthy of our praise, adoration, and honor. In the short, Spirit-inspired song of praise through the pen of Paul (1 Tim. 3:16), there is a phrase that draws the present-day reader’s attention:…
The Purpose of Gospel Preaching – Clay Bond
These words, spoken so long ago, reflect what God wants more than anything. His desire is for His creation to hear His spoken word which is “quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). In our age, God has designated Gospel preaching to be the means by which His…
Are You A “Dissembler”? – Carl B. Garner
Abraham Lincoln often told a story about a young man who murdered both of his parents, then entered a plea for leniency on grounds that he was an orphan. The judge was having none of that, and he used a word that was not familiar to the jury. The word “dissembler” was not the word they would have used, but it was exactly what they were thinking. A dissembler is “one who conceals under a false appearance; to conceal the…
How to Deal with Stress
“Americans are some of the most stressed out people in the world.” That was the conclusion of the Gallup Global Emotions report and it probably does not surprise you. What might surprise you is that the report was published in 2019. As can imagine, the problem is far worse today than it was a few years ago. Everyone experiences stress to some degree as part of the natural course of life. When events happen, like a major move, a wedding,…
Buying and Selling the Soul – Rick Brumback
Every sales transaction requires both a buyer and a seller, whether buying a home, an automobile, or any other item. In any such transaction, both the buyer and the seller must agree on the price. What the seller asks reveals how much he estimates its worth to be. What the buyer is willing to pay reveals their appraisal of its worth. It is this idea of buying and selling that Peter has in mind concerning God (1 Pet. 1:18-21). The…
From the Director’s desk (November 2023) – Steven Lloyd
We are well into our second quarter of the school year. COVID and the flu have struck our student body and at least half a dozen students have missed school wrestling with their illnesses. Our Director, Trent Kennedy, and his wife, Lisa, and their children, Ella, Troy, Luke and Annie, are in Singapore for ten days. He is slated to speak numerous times in lectureships, Sunday worship services, and camps. The school will take a break, November 22-26. When we…
Shall I Spank My Child? – B.J. Clarke
That all depends upon whom you ask. Joan Lunden says absolutely not. Most child psychologists oppose it. Parents often say, “I love my child too much to ever spank him.” But what does Almighty God, the author of the home, have to say about the subject? Does God think you should spank your child? Yes! At times it is necessary to discipline a child with a spanking. Whereas, it is not the only form of discipline a child should receive,…
The Importance of Context – Rick Brumback
The politician accuses his opponent, “You took my words out of context!” And according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “right,” comprised of a brief five letters, has sixty-nine major definitions and numerous sub-meanings. If we should come across this word in a text, which of these myriad meanings are we to assign at that point? Both these examples highlight the significance of what is known as “context”—the setting in which a particular word or statement is found, and…
In Remembrance of Me – Cody Westbrook
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands as one of the most revered places in the United States. It was instituted by the United States Government in 1921 as a symbolic place of burial for those who gave the ultimate wartime sacrifice for the cause of freedom–their lives and their identities. Thousands of Americans visit the Tomb every year to memorialize and show their respect to those who gave all to preserve our way of life. As important as The…
Repentance from a Positive Viewpoint – Wendell Winkler
Repentance has been called “the hardest command”; yet, what wonderful blessings attend the command, “Repent” (Acts 2:38). Yes, and what notable sources we have to motivate us to repent (Rom. 2:4). Jesus had difficulty getting people to repent (Matt. 11:20-22). It is not hard to get a man to believe; in fact, it is far more difficult to overthrow the testimony and evidence that produces faith. It is not hard to get a genuine penitent to consent to baptism. But…