The school is doing well. Our students, overall, are doing well. It is hard to believe we are at the close of our third quarter, entering the final quarter of the school year, and graduating students at the end of June.
The incoming first year class is shaping up well with twelve students already approved and raising support. Three women will be among them, and a brother from Mexico is making every effort to be here as well. Most of them located in Texas. We are looking forward to all the prospects of another productive class in 2025-2027. If you know anyone able to help support a student, let us know.
Dr. Doug Burleson from Freed-Hardeman University is scheduled to be with us on April 25, 2025. Dr. Burleson’s academic interests focus on New Testament backgrounds as related to the manuscript tradition and use of the Old Testament. We look forward to having Dr. Burleson with us. Be sure to check our school Facebook page for further information concerning April 25.
We hosted our Arise Workshop February 27-March 2. It was well attended with over 400 people at some sessions. Speakers and their topics were presented well, and students from Southwest were kept busy with every sort of chore from watching children to taking out the trash, as well as serving food. The Workshop being so well attended transforms into a great reunion on top of the feast we enjoy of the word of God.
One final note, Ronnie Scherffius teaches church history along with Restoration history at the school. He endeared himself to the school, both faculty and students. Ronnie accepted a full-time teaching position at the Texas School of Preaching and will be moving his residence sometime in May of this year. We will miss him and pray for him and his wife, Athena, in their new venture.