The churches of Christ in America are on a steady decline. A recent projection from a Christian University revealed that we will lose 70% of our congregations and members by 2049. If you carry the numbers even further, by 2069, there will be almost no visible traces left of the Church in America. Those who seek RATIONALIZATION minimize our losses by pointing to similar declines among our denominational friends. Those who seek EXPLANATION (should we dare say excuses) cite increased distractions, entertainment, secularization, busyness, and muchness. While all these things may be true, they do not change the numbers. The only way to address this crisis is by EVANGELISM! If churches of Christ are going to survive in America, we MUST return to our roots and once again train the saved to teach the lost.
Unfortunately, at least two generations have risen who know not evangelism. We have children who have grown up in homes and have never seen their parents conduct a personal Bible study. Remaining still is a generation that remembers a time when churches grew. Christians carried around a film projector in the trunk of their car and showed their family, friends, and neighbors the Jewell Miller Bible study series. We were the fastest-growing religious body in America. We excelled at soul-winning! Those days can return if we train the saved. “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). Here are four proven Biblical things we can do to help turn things around.
Invite people into our HOME: “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42) Have we forgotten that our homes are a tool for bringing souls to Christ. The mat in front of too many Christian doors reads “Come Back Later” instead of “Welcome.” Open homes equal open hearts. Our first-century brethren had open homes. They ate together, prayed together, and studied together (Acts 2:46; 20:20). We have found that over 90% of those we engage in Bible study from our home obey the Gospel.
Extend Christian HOSPITALITY: I am afraid that this Christian attribute is almost lost in modern America. Hospitality is defined as “love of strangers.” The Greek word is used in Hebrews 13:2, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” All Christians are commanded to display hospitality, and elders are to be proven in this qualification (I Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8). Our hospitality to others should never be the reason behind their Gospel obedience, but the lack thereof could be the reason they don’t obey. Take someone out to eat, deliver a meal, cut their grass, send Compassion Cards (, take them a new mover’s basket, and/or extend another act of kindness. Jude 22 states, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”
When you are with the lost, HEARKEN: Everyone wants to be heard. James said, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (1:19). Spend a lot of time asking about their family, hobbies, past experiences, and things they enjoy. This is a time to find common ground and to develop friendship and trust. As you listen, take mental notes of things that may need emphasized during a study. Have they been divorced? Do they have any organized religious background? Do they have family who are devout in any particular religion?
When the lost say things for which we disagree, HESITATE: It is very IMPORTANT as you listen to resist the urge to defend and respond. This is not the time to refute, reprove, rebuke, or instruct, regardless of what is said. Refrain from expressing your political, cultural, and social views. Remember, you are building a relationship; not everyone believes, thinks, or lives like you. In addition, this is not the time to address tongue speaking, miracles, various millennial theories, Bible versions, or other errors that lead you away from the Cross. Remain focused! You want to take them to the battlefield of Golgotha and show them the Kingdom of God and the blood of Christ. If we truly respect the power of the Word, we must stop telling everyone what we think and how we feel and start showing them the truth. The quicker we get someone into the Bible, the sooner God can begin working on their hearts.
We must emphasize congregational training to create a Body of soul winners. One or two personal workers can’t carry this burden alone. We need Evangelists equipping the Saints in each local congregation to become an army (Ephesians 4:11-12). It is the key to winning souls and changing those heart-wrenching projections about our future in the United States. We have hundreds of thousands of untrained Soldiers in our pews. We serve an offensive God who has a winning strategy. If we can once again learn to fight for God, He will fight for His people. Any failure is on us and not Him. If we don’t act now, we will need other countries to send missionaries here to reestablish the Lord’s Church in America in the not-so-distant future.
Authors note: In 2018, we began the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. Since then, HTHSOE has trained 300 congregations and recorded over 5000 baptisms. We are a full-time school that offers congregational training and a one-year curriculum to focus Christians on the one mission of the church. We have eight regional trainers and a full-time staff. HTHSOE has seven principles, six steps, and One Mission! You can learn more by going to our website at or contacting me at