Our Plan for Bible Study – Kevin W. Rhodes

Our Plan for Bible Study – Kevin W. Rhodes

The dawn of a new year provides a prime opportunity for Christians to take inventory of their spiritual health and create new and improved patterns for the future. Only such diligence will ensure greater growth and stronger faith while sojourning through life (2 Pet. 3:18). However, although many saints desire a closer relationship with God and a deeper understanding of His will, few have a specific plan to achieve this objective.

Some will dedicate a portion of their day to reading through the Bible in a year. This I highly recommend to encourage familiarity with the whole of God’s revelation and scheme of redemption; however, this can only reinforce current knowledge or underscore fundamental knowledge. Others read through a book to help them remain better centered spiritually. This also has merit. But growing spiritually requires more.

When a Christian realizes his ignorance, guilt or frustration can short-circuit additional learning by trying to rush the process. However, attempts to learn a lot quickly can undermine long-term growth by introducing study methods that offer only the illusion of growth. Instead, God’s people should develop an approach that will encourage, challenge, and endure. Toward this end I offer ten recommendations to help you create a Bible study plan for the year.

Plan reasonably. Grandiose plans produce more guilt than growth. Know your knowledge, needs, and ability, and focus your plan to build on where you are spiritually. Also, consider your actual availability. Bible study takes time. And you need to study when you have the energy necessary to really think. Plan accordingly (Mark 14:38).

Carve out sufficient time in your schedule. Either 30 minutes per day or 4 hours per week would provide enough time to develop a steady pace. If 4 hours sounds like a lot of time to you, you should consider that this represents the approximate time a preacher would take to prepare for a weekly Bible class. However, studying the scriptures personally—with the right method—will challenge you more and grow you more (Eph. 5:16).

Dedicate a special location just for Bible study. Create an area (mobile, if necessary) that you specifically associate just with studying your Bible. Eliminate distractions. Find proper lighting. Make it comfortable enough to stay for a while but professional enough to keep you focused. You will need to be able to read, write, and reflect, so choose your space with all of these in mind (Jas. 1:25; 1 Tim. 4:15).

Get everything ready before you plan to study. Otherwise you will waste time just organizing and setting up your environment. Instead, put everything in place the night beforehand if you plan to study first thing in the morning or before supper if you plan to study in the evening. Eliminate any friction between you and your study time (Col. 3:1-2).

Avoid the temptation to do too much too soon. Your original enthusiasm and curiosity have great value, but you need to sustain study as a daily joy. So do not try to study every word or attempt to uncover every nuance of the text at the beginning. That is the work of a lifetime—not a weekend. Choose the most interesting word to examine and the most beneficial nuance to consider. That will still spark plenty of thoughts for your growth (1 Pet. 2:2).

Select an appropriate text or topic. A deep dive into the book of Romans or the doctrine of atonement might sound intriguing, but that intrigue may turn quickly into frustration for those just establishing a plan (2 Pet. 3:14-16). Instead, choose a simpler and more familiar book. For example, one of the synoptic gospel accounts would provide a narrative structure, familiar information, and plenty of room for personal growth in both study and application.

Establish an interpretive workflow that considers a passage’s meaning, significance, and application—in that order. Many beginning Bible students attempt to read a passage of scripture and immediately apply it to their lives. While this might work on occasion, it often creates confusion. Instead, establish the practice of thinking in terms of what it meant for the original audience first. Then, consider what significant principle(s) this implies. Finally, take the time to consider what the closest modern-day equivalent would be when applied today. This process will require more of you and push you to deeper study (Neh. 8:8).

Take notes. Writing down what you learn not only provides you with a record of your study to consult in the future, it also helps you retain the information you learned. But do more than just copy and paste information. Summarize its significance. Cite your sources. Write it out in your own words. This discipline pushes your mind to evaluate the information more thoroughly while helping integrate the ideas into your own thinking (Pro. 3:3-4).

Create a Bible study journal to record personal lessons learned and specific items to work on in your life.  While notes should concentrate on the meaning and significance of the scriptures, a journal should concentrate on you and your spiritual growth. By recording what you have learned, giving yourself assignments to improve, and then evaluating your progress, a Bible study journal enhances your biblical knowledge. More importantly, it adds a personal layer of accountability for developing Christlike character which Bible study should have as its intended end (Ps. 119:11).

Review. When you first sit down to study, few things—other than prayer—can focus your mind on the subject at hand better than reviewing your notes and journal from your most recent study. This helps create a flow to your study, a flow to your notes, and a flow to your spiritual growth as well (Ps. 119:27).

Deciding to study the Bible more diligently this year than last year is a noble and worthwhile goal, but you need a plan if you are to succeed. While Bible study is inherently a serious undertaking, it can also provide far greater joy, comfort, and guidance with each successive step forward. May God bless you with a wonderful year of Bible study and a meaningful year of spiritual growth.