'April 2024' Tagged Posts

'April 2024' Tagged Posts

From the Director’s Desk (April 2024) – Trent Kennedy

The power of God is on full display in the work of the Prophets. Isaiah’s prophecy of Cyrus (Isa. 44:24-45:7) demonstrates the foreknowledge of God and shows His power to perform His will in the governments of men. However, King Cyrus and his government pale in comparison to another King that Isaiah predicts. Isaiah describes a King (Isa. 9:7) Who would sit on David’s throne and rule a spiritual kingdom. This King could be called “God” and described as “eternal”…

Preaching From The Prophets – Kerry Clark

Gospel preachers need to stand boldly as the apostles did and preach from the prophets. As more preachers are moving away from the simple preaching of God’s Truth and being turned to fables (2 Tim. 4:4); the preaching we draw from the prophets is both humbling and empowering. But the question we are considering is how does one preach from the prophets? We need to look no further than the preaching recorded in the book of Acts to find the…

Preaching Like The Prophets – Ronnie Scherffius

What type of preaching is heard from our pulpits today? What is the character of the men who call themselves gospel preachers? Are they men of the book? Do they speak only “what the Lord saith” (1 Kings 22:14)? Do they stand in the counsel of God, turning those that hear to the way of the Lord (Jer. 23:21, 22)? Encouraging the saints to endure grief, James pointed to the paragon of the prophets of old, “Take, my brethren, the…

Why Study the Prophets? – Cody Westbrook

There are 39 Old Testament books in your Bible. Each one inspired of God and full of great lessons and eternal truths which every child of God should learn and apply. Though it is no longer in force as law, it is there for our learning. As Romans 15:4 says, “whatsoever things were written aftoretime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” The “writing prophets” make up 17 of the…

The Prophets: God’s Spokesmen – Ross Haffner

What kind of man did it take to be chosen to be a spokesman for God? Out of 39 Old Testament books, 17 bear the name of a prophet. Apart from them, there are dozens of prophets who make appearances in the Biblical narrative who played their part in revealing the will of God. Despite the honor of the position, ordinary men were chosen to leave their current circumstances to become men of God, ready to deliver His message no…