'March 2023' Tagged Posts

'March 2023' Tagged Posts

Atonement – Andy Baker

I will forever remember my brother and God’s servant, Chuck Horner, sitting in my Bible class. I, being a “green” Bible student, was talking about the Day of Atonement. Brother Horner raised his eyes with a twinkle and told me, “Brother Andy, you’re saying it wrong….” I thought “ah-TOHN-ment” was the correct pronunciation. He said, “it is in fact ‘AT…ONE…ment’.” I have never forgotten that, nor have I ceased in my preaching and teaching from saying it both ways. The…

Reconciliation – Richard D. Melson

The term about which I have been assigned to write is reconciliation. This is a wonderful word in the Scriptures–full of rich meaning and value. The term is used when there is a breach in the relationship between two men as in Matthew 5:24, or a husband and wife as used in 1 Corinthians 7:11, regarding which Wayne Jackson comments: “If one finds it absolutely imperative to become separated from a spouse (where no sexual infidelity has been involved), he…

Propitiation – Joey Davis

Every precious soul enters this world innocent of sin. Sin is the violation of God’s Will by those who are capable of understanding (1 John 3:4). The words of Ezekiel to the king of Tyre ring true, “you were all perfect in our ways from the day we were created, till iniquity was found in you” (Eze. 28:15). Isaiah spoke of a period of innocence, “For before the Child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good…” (Isa.…

Redemption – Randy Robinson

The late, great Curtis Cates once described redemption as “the center and circumference of the Bible.” Indeed the entire Bible revolves around what we often refer to as the “scheme of redemption.” While the English word, “scheme,” often denotes something nefarious, it is simply synonymous with the word “plan.” When the first man and woman sinned in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit, God gave them a glimpse into His plan for redemption (Gen. 3:15). However, subsequent…


It may be called, perhaps, the “Divine dilemma.” Jehovah is absolute in His holiness and therefore can have nothing to do with sin (Hab. 1:13). Sin, in fact, stands as a barrier between God and man (Isa. 59:1-2). It is a violation of God’s law (1 John 3:4) and, because God is absolute in His justice as well as His holiness, He must punish it (Rom. 3:23). And yet, this is not His desire. He “is not willing that any…

Forgiveness – Michael Light

The more we read and study the Bible the more we should be impressed with it. There are many different teaching methods employed; narratives of the lives of men and women (some presented as examples of correct living; others as ow not to live); direct statements – “thou shalt” and thou shalt not” instructions; parables, poetry and prophetic material.  Texts can be studied in a host of ways; the immediate context, remote context and over all biblical context. Even the…