Posts by Christian Worker (Page 10)

Posts by Christian Worker (Page 10)

None of These Things Move Me – Joey Davis

If you ever needed an example of what it looks like to maintain Christian commitment and focus, Paul certainly fits the bill. In the face of adversity, Paul said, “but none of these things move me” (Acts 20:24a). More on that later. For now, think about how often things happen that make you second-guess your commitment. Think about times when you have felt like throwing your hands in the air and saying, “that’s enough, I quit!” Have you been there?…

A Great Debt – Ronnie Scherffius

There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged” (Luke 7:41-43). The book of Luke has many unique characteristics. For example, Luke writes on the subject…

Does the First Century Church Exist? – Johnie Scaggs

The world we live in is very different from the 1st century. On every side, we are plagued with numerous denominations of every brand. These denominations have significantly impacted the minds of many members of the body of Christ. Through printed pages, television, media, Facebook, etc., they preach their sermons and pollute the minds of the innocent. “The number of denominations varies depending on how they are defined and counted. Some sources estimate more than 200 in the U.S. and…

Does Organized Religion Matter? – John Haffner

The term “organized religion” leaves a bad taste in the mouth for many people today. Perhaps this stems from the abuses and controversies which have recently plagued many religious groups. More and more people are utilizing the description “spiritual but not religious,” also sometimes known as “spiritual but not affiliated,” to denote their detachment. I believe this rejection of responsibility and accountability goes too far in many respects. More than just getting out from under manmade labels, conventions, and mother…

What About the Community Church? – Bryan Hodge

The community church movement is popular and growing.  Community churches or “non-denominational” churches refers to independent local congregations which have no affiliation with the major denominations.  Determining exact numbers is difficult.  A study released in 2010 by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research reported that there were more than 12 million adherents in the U.S.A. to nondenominational churches. Some trace the community church to nineteenth century America.  “The earliest origins of the community church movement are likely from the nineteenth…

Did Jesus only build one Church? – Kerry Clark

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus made this promise almost two thousand years ago. Notice that Jesus did not say He would build a church, or churches, or one of His churches. He did say, “…I will build my church…” (Matt. 16:18). The apostle Paul wrote, “There is one body…” (Eph.…

Flee – DJ Stucky

Christianity is about becoming more like Jesus and following His path towards heaven. However, as we focus our lives on Christ, we must remain aware of the dangers that may threaten us along the way. God has revealed certain dangers that a Christian should run away from. The word translated as “flee” is the Greek word pheugo (φεύγω) which means to flee, take flight, or run away. In Acts 27:30, pheugo is used to describe escape from a shipwreck. Fleeing,…

Obey – Bryan R Braswell

To obey or be obedient are actions based upon belief. The association with belief, an active hearing of God’s word, is to be noted in this study. The words from the Hebrew and Greek will prove this. For example, in Genesis 3:8, 10, 17. “They [heard] the sound of the Lord…So he [Adam] said, ‘I [heard] Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked…Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of…

Righteousness – Daniel Garza

God is righteous. God does not conform to that standard, as if righteousness is an objective standard outside of Him. No! One of God’s distinguishing qualities is that He is intrinsically upright and just. Righteousness is a part of God’s very essence. Just as God is “holy-holy-holy,” He is righteous-righteous-righteous. He is perfect, just, faithful, righteous, and upright (Deu. 32:4). He is righteous, loves righteous deeds, and the upright shall behold His face (Ps. 11:7). He reigns from a throne…

Fruit – Ross Haffner

My wife’s grandfather is remembered in our family for being impatient with his garden. When a fruit tree or vegetable plant did not produce quickly enough he would, with much disdain, cut it down and plant another. Perhaps, given more time, the plants could have grown to produce fruit to his satisfaction. Just as the fruit tree is expected to produce, Jesus expects His disciples to live a life marked by personal growth and bringing others to God. Jesus taught…

Victory – Parker Webster

Each and every day, we are faced with battles, trials and temptations. Some wars we engage in are against ourselves, others, or even circumstances around us. Many times, we can feel like we are losing our battles. Whether they be emotional, spiritual, or even moral battles we face, we can often feel vulnerable and desperate. The good news is that we have someone on our side who helps us in every battle that we face. We have someone who is…

Atonement – Andy Baker

I will forever remember my brother and God’s servant, Chuck Horner, sitting in my Bible class. I, being a “green” Bible student, was talking about the Day of Atonement. Brother Horner raised his eyes with a twinkle and told me, “Brother Andy, you’re saying it wrong….” I thought “ah-TOHN-ment” was the correct pronunciation. He said, “it is in fact ‘AT…ONE…ment’.” I have never forgotten that, nor have I ceased in my preaching and teaching from saying it both ways. The…