Posts by Cody Westbrook (Page 11)
Everyone is a Critic
It is easy for one to be critical of another. We often assign motive or blame for words spoken or actions taken. We easily see the shortfalls of someone else and point out all their weaknesses. The trouble is that we almost always tend to minimize our own faults while exalting those of others. Jesus warned against this very action in Matthew 7:1-5. A vital point of understanding in this context is to recognize that Jesus did not condemn criticism…
How to Give Thanks
How does one express gratitude for an overwhelming gift? When the words “thank you” do not seem adequate, how can a person sincerely express their appreciation? Confronted with the same conundrum, the Psalmist put inspired pen to paper to answer this very question. Psalm 116 is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for His abundant benevolence. The Psalm can be divided into two parts¬–what God had done for the writer (vss. 1-11) and the writer’s response (vss.…
Glorifying God with our Speech (Part 2)
If we are to glorify God in our speech then we must also be mindful of the power of our words to accomplish both good and evil. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Pro. 18:21). The classic text on the tongue’s power is James 3:1-12 where James personifies the tongue as a bit in a horses mouth, a ship’s rudder, and fire. Note verses 5-6: Even so…
Glorifying God with our Speech (Part 1)
One of the more disturbing societal trends of late is the degradation of acceptable speech. A person could scroll through any social media news feed and see a barrage of language which would have shocked and disgusted most in years past, but today is so common that many think nothing of it. However, though the world’s standard of acceptable speech may change, God’s standard does not. The psalmist best captured the essence of God’s expectation for our speech when he…
Some Reasons to be Thankful
Christians are commanded to give thanks in everything (1 Thess. 5:18). November is the time of year when many people pause to reflect and show gratitude. Christians should do the same, but not just for one month out of the year. God has given us much to be thankful for. Here are three items for your consideration. First, God’s providential care. Simply stated, providence refers to provision. Consider the various ways in which God provides for His people. Spiritually speaking…
An Unpayable Debt
How does one repay an unpayable debt? To ask is to answer. An unpayable debt is by definition impossible to repay. Such a proposition may seem discouraging to some. If I can never fully satisfy my obligation, then why try at all? But this is not the proper attitude and it was not the mindset of the apostle Paul. As he reflected upon the sacrifice of Christ and his responsibilities as an apostle and minister of the gospel, Paul wrote,…
Highly Exalted (Phil. 2:5-11)
Within the heart of one of Scripture’s most beloved books lies one of the most exalted, challenging, and thought-provoking passages in the entirety of God’s Word. Philippians emphasizes the priority of the gospel (1:27). Paul was in chains because of the gospel yet he used his difficult circumstances as an avenue to proclaim the gospel and exhorted the Philippian saints to do the same (cf. Phil. 1). But the message of the gospel cannot exist without it’s Person and primary…
Beloved, Believe Not Every Spirit… (Part 2)
The meat of John’s admonition is found in two present tense imperatives. First, John says, “believe not every spirit.” Second, “try the spirits.” In the first century the Holy Spirit miraculously inspired men to preach and teach the word of God (c.f. 1 Cor. 12-14). Unfortunately, there were many who tried to take advantage of that by falsely claiming inspiration in order to deceive God’s people into believing a lie (Eph. 4:14). Therefore, Christians were commanded not to continually believe…
Beloved, Believe Not Every Spirit… (Part 1)
It is a sad but true fact that God’s people have always had to deal with false teachers and false teaching. Moses warned of false prophets who would speak that which would not come to pass (Deut. 18:21-22). Jeremiah wrote of those who prophesied for dishonest gain (Jer. 6:13-14), and whose message originated from within their own hearts (Jer. 23:16). The New Testament speaks of “false Christs” (Matt. 24:24); “false teachers” (2 Pet. 2:1); “false apostles” (2 Cor. 11:13); and…
The Wicked are like the Chaff
The Bible is full truths that fly square in the face of typical human thinking. Scripture’s description of a blessed and happy life stands as a perfect example. Man seeks blessing in wickedness. For many, life is about self-actualization and fulfilling the desires of the flesh. Psalm 1 teaches us that such a life is destined for ruin. The Psalmist said the ungodly “are like the chaff which the wind drives away.” The ancients brought their grain to the threshing…
To Envy a Bird in God’s House
Birds are fascinating creatures. One could argue that they possess more freedom than anything else God has created. A bird is not contained to any one area, he can fly wherever he wishes. Yet, wherever a bird goes he eventually finds a place to settle and nest. The sons of Korah were servants in the house of God and undoubtedly watched birds of all kinds and numbers settle into comfortable nests throughout the temple complex. The Psalmist’s desire to be…
Why Doctrine Matters
History is an unending cycle. Buried within the pages of the past are previews of the problems of the present. Humanity’s desires and needs, joys and struggles never change. Consider the problem of unhealthy teaching in the early church. This was one of Paul’s primary concerns in his first letter to Timothy and thus correct doctrine is an emphasis throughout the book. If Paul were writing today, he would write the same thing. The church still needs to be reminded…