Posts by Southwest Church of Christ (Page 3)

Posts by Southwest Church of Christ (Page 3)

Reasons for Personal Evangelism

When Christ gave the great commission to the apostles, he placed upon every Christian the obligation of teaching the gospel to every person (Matt. 28:18-20). This cannot be done by pulpit preaching alone, nor by the preacher alone. This was never God’s intention. Each Christian must contribute (Phil. 2:15-16). Therefore, let’s consider some reasons for personal evangelism. First, every Christian must be a personal evangelist to be like Christ, just as He said, “the Son of Man has come to…

Church Growth in the First Century

The growth of the first century church was both spectacular and constant. What caused this tremendous growth? One passage summarizes their success well: ¬“Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied” (Acts 9:31). Brethren, if we are serious about church growth, we will pay close attention to these principles of church growth. First, the church…

The Good Soil

As Jesus went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, He did not always find a receptive audience. The problem He faced was that many people, though they had ears to hear, their ears had become “hard of hearing” (Matthew 13:14-15). To illustrate this problem, Jesus told a parable that is known as “The Parable of the Four Soils.” In it, we can see ourselves as we really are concerning how we receive the Word of God in…

The Stony Soil

As Jesus went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, He did not always find a receptive audience. The problem He faced was that many people were “hard of hearing” (Matt. 13:14-15). To illustrate this problem, Jesus told “The Parable of the Four Soils.” In it, we can see ourselves as we really are concerning how we receive the Word of God in our lives. Therefore, let’s consider the second one, the stony soil (Matt. 13:5-6). According to…

A Change in SWSBS Directorship

As elders, we realize that the fields are “white unto harvest” and that many good, honest people are seeking to be taught God’s Word. Therefore, faithful men and women who are well prepared with a deep knowledge of the Biblical text are urgently needed to sow the seed of God’s Kingdom (Luke 8:11). The Southwest church of Christ, aware of this need and understanding our responsibility to help meet it, inaugurated a full-time school of Bible studies on September 4,…

The Thorny Soil

As Jesus went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, He did not always find a receptive audience. The problem He faced was that many people were “hard of hearing” (Matt. 13:14-15). To illustrate this problem, Jesus told “The Parable of the Four Soils.” In it, we can see ourselves as we really are concerning how we receive the Word of God in our lives. Therefore, let’s consider the first one, the thorny soil (Matt. 13:7). According to…

I Would Do It All Over Again

Winston Churchill’s wife was named Clementine. He affectionately called her Clemmie. Churchill wasn’t generally considered handsome. He wasn’t athletic. He wasn’t rich. He wasn’t the young man that most moms were dreaming of for their daughters. Clementine’s mother, Lady Blanche Hozier, wasn’t overjoyed at the thought of her daughter marrying Winston. But, despite Winston’s many shortcomings, he possessed the one essential ingredient needed to make marriage work – love. He loved Clementine. At a banquet late in life, Churchill was…

The Wayside Soil

As Jesus went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, He did not always find a receptive audience. The problem He faced was that many people, though they had ears to hear, their ears had become “hard of hearing” (Matthew 13:14-15). To illustrate this problem, Jesus told a parable that is known as “The Parable of the Four Soils.” In it, we can see ourselves as we really are concerning how we receive the Word of God in…

Recreation or Re-Creation?

In a world that is filled with entertainment and recreation, what room is left for Christ? Robert Taylor rightly wrote, “We live in an age where people prefer fun over faith, the lake over the Lord, things over the truth, sports over the Savior, gadgets over God, gimmicks over the gospel, laughter over the Lord, recreation over redemption, and entertainment over edification…the bottom line of it all is…where are our hearts at?” How can a Christian balance recreation and holiness?…

The Betrayal & Arrest of Jesus

It has been said that “those who hurt us the most are those closest to us.” Surely, it is painful and discouraging to be betrayed by a close relative or friend. However, our experience doesn’t even compare to the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. We often concentrate on His death, burial, and resurrection– and rightly so, but from His betrayal and arrest, there is a wealth of information that we can learn from. First, Jesus’s betrayal and arrest reveals God’s…

Is God Good? – Jim Lloyd

Someone may be described as “good” if they are useful or fulfill a purpose (“He’s a good baseball player”, “She’s a good surgeon”).  However, “goodness” is also appropriately defined in terms of moral character and uprightness.  The Bible tells us that with God both definitions are appropriate.  God Himself is good, generous, and benevolent (1 Chron. 16:34, Ps. 103:8).  Everything He created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31).  The Bible tells us God is working in this world and on our…

Can the Bible Be Trusted? – Rob Whitacre

The authenticity of Scripture is one of the three pillars of faith: God, the Bible, and Christ. If any of these fail, the entire Christian system falls. We are living in a growing culture of skepticism and unbelief. Believers in Scripture no longer represent the vast majority; at best, it is 50-50. If we are going to change these numbers, we need to go on the offense. An offensive Christian is an evangelistic Christian. The purpose of this article is…