In My Obedience – Bryce Mayfield
Obedience is an appealing characteristic. Not only to our God and His Son (John 14:15), but also to mankind. Parents, consider the pleasant thought of asking your children to wash the dishes and, with a simple, “Yes sir” or “Yes ma’am,” they immediately obey without raising objection. Such a thought would likely make any parent smile. This could be because obedience is learned and takes discipline or because this character trait has, seemingly, become less common in our society. Whatever…
In My Stewardship of Time – John Baker
Nobody ever managed their time the way Jesus did. In just 33 years of life, He changed history forever. Think of all He accomplished. In the work that He did on earth, Jesus became a greater Provider than Jacob (John 4:12-14), a greater Lawgiver than Moses (John 9:28; Heb. 3:1-6), a greater Teacher than Solomon (Matt. 12:42; cf. 1 Kings 10:1-7), and a greater King than David (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16). No one ever lived a fuller, richer, or…
In My Thoughts – Joey Davis
Isaiah said, “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isa. 53:2). The modern artist’s efforts to depict the Son of God typically portray him as a magnificent specimen of humanity. The Bible indicates that Jesus’ external appearance was probably, at best, average and perhaps even less. However, as for qualities that really matter – those of the heart (1 Sam.16:7) – Jesus was nothing short of exquisite.…
In My Sorrow – John Haffner
Feeling sorrow demonstrates not just our emotional capacity but also where we place significance—our tears show our hearts. The Bible reveals many intensely sad and trying moments Jesus faced. Even long before the incarnation, our Lord was prophesied to be a “Man of sorrows” (Isa. 53:3). If we were in His position, we would no doubt find many occasions to cry over our difficult circumstances. However, when the Bible describes Him weeping, Jesus most often shed His tears for others.…
In My Teaching and Preaching – Ronnie Scherffius
Some of the most incredible words to pass from the lips of man were spoken by one who came to Jesus by night, “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God” (John 3:2). Jesus was not simply “a teacher come from God.” He was the Master Teacher. When Jesus preached, “the people were astonished at his doctrine.” When Jesus preached, He taught “as one having authority,” not simply as a scribe (Matt. 7:28, 29). When Jesus preached,…
In My Anger
It may seem strange to include Jesus and anger in the same sentence, much less an entire article dedicated to learning something about His anger. But perhaps our squeamishness at the idea of Jesus being angry is due to our tendency to view Him through a modern lens. When we think about anger in our culture, we usually think about someone who is out of control, who launches into a fit of rage. Cursing, being destructive, and seeking vengeance are…
Your Word is Your Bond, or is it? (Part 2)
The old colloquialism, “Your word is your bond” has roots in scripture. Numbers 30:2 says, “If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” But, in a culture that no longer values honesty and integrity, it can be easy to forget that our word must be trustworthy. Consider three examples that are…
Your Word is Your Bond, or is it? (Part 1)
Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “Ay, sir; to be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.” How right he was. Solomon asked, “But who can find a faithful man” (Pro. 20:6)? He sought for a man who was dependable, trustworthy, and truthful. That kind of person may be hard to come by in the world, but it should not be so in the church because God’s will for His people is that they be…
The Lord is Near the Broken Hearted
Psalm 34 is thought to have been written by David in remembrance of his escape from the courts of Achish, king of Gath, as recorded in 1 Samuel 21:10-15. For fear of his life, David fled from the pursuit of an angry king Saul. He made his way to Gath, evidently expecting to receive quarter from Achish. But, David was not met with the greeting he expected. Instead, the servants of Achish identified him as king and he quickly realized…
The Goal of Sound Doctrine (Part 2)
Additionally, sound doctrine will create people in the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:10) and allow them to be examples that others can look to (vs. 16). Paul says, “However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.” Wayne Jackson summarized the point of this passage very well. But Paul’s point of emphasis here is God’s…
The Goal of Sound Doctrine (Part 1)
Why do we place such a strong emphasis on sound doctrine? Why does God stress the importance of sound preaching and teaching so heavily throughout His Word? Does is really matter that much? The first two sections of 1 Timothy 1 help to answer these questions. In the first section (vss. 1-11) Paul discusses the problem of unsound doctrine. He says that it only causes problems–“disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith” (1 Tim. 1:4). False and unhealthy…
From the Director’s Desk (November 2024) – Trent Kennedy
Preachers, do you ever find yourself having the congregation turn to the same book or passages over and over again? Do the same four or five Scriptures always seem to be part of your sermons, week in and week out? Is this type of preaching keeping you and your audience from growing? I think many of us revert back to our “comfort Scriptures” that we have memorized, preached, and know so well. However, when we carefully examine our preaching, it…